[caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Team work"]

A team is a group organized to work together to accomplish a set of objectives that cannot be achieved effectively by individuals. That Leader knows that a key to successful planning and implementation of any goal is the development of teams. He also decides which type of team he needs of the three types we are going to look at.
executive team model is made up of small teams from three to eight members, usually made up of the top of the up-line. The advantage to this small team is that things will happen quickly by focused individuals and there will be consensus reached much sooner. The disadvantages to this sort of team include the fact that they are isolated from the rest of the company and there is no
ownership by the other members of the business.
A second model is a district group, midsized with between 15 and 20 members including members of the staff. Advantages of this are that key representatives are involved and there is more of a feeling of ownership by the other members of the business. The disadvantages are that the representatives can take a narrow view geared toward their section of the company and there is still a lack of ownership business-wide.
The third model is the community model consisting of large teams from 25-30 members with a mix of members of the company, staff and up-line individuals. The advantage of this kind of team is that with many members of the business involved there is a
sense of community-wide ownership by all business members. The disadvantages are that having so many voices, the process of
decision making and doing the project slows way down, everyone needs to be heard and not all are as knowledgeable and need to be informed.
Have you been on any of the 3 teams? How were your experiences? Do they line up with the advantages and disadvantages mentioned? Please answer in the box below.
This information is from Washington State School Directors’ Association and found on http://www.nsba.org/sbot/toolkit/.
Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing, helps business owners and business professionals put marketing strategies in place that consistently secure new clients. He can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.799.1238. You can “Like” him at www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing or connect with him on www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar.
- Value Leadership (leadershipinthetrenchesblog.com)
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