Affordable internet Marketing—Guest Blogging
Do you need to find some affordable internet marketing ideas that result in organic traffic to your site? These days you can spend as much with AdWords, Facebook ads, Yahoo and Bing as you did in the old days of Yellow Pages and newspaper ads just to get listed on search engines. Or you can try a different approach to affordable internet marketing—become a guest blogger.
Become a Prolific Guest Blogger
Your object in affordable internet marketing is to get traffic to your website organically, which means that you are not buying anything shady. Instead you are going to encourage traffic through blogging. Right now let’s assume that for every blog you write you get 10 visitors per day to your website. What would be the result of 100 articles? One thousand visitors, of course. The trick is that you do not want to have all those blogs appear on your own website. So you can become a guest blogger. You will want to offer new, not spun, articles to other blog sites in your niche. Most websites don’t mind having a few guest posts sprinkled among their own. Just be sure that you follow their guidelines for a guest blogger. Also don’t post blogs on sites that are irrelevant to your niche. If you waste your time writing on sites that don’t relate to yours you are not making the most of this affordable internet marketing concept.
Create a Professional Author Box Design
Most of the multi-author blog websites that accept guest writers allow a small part at the bottom of the post for an author box. You can create one that you use over and over using HTML with a maximum of 3 links back to your website blogs as a part of your affordable internet marketing. You don’t have to be straightforward with this. You can actually make it rather intriguing as an affordable internet marketing idea to draw visitors to one of your links. Of course, you know that not everyone will read your blog clear to the end, but those who do and who click on one of your links are potential clients.
Get in the Flow
You would never write a messy article for your website. You want people to know you are a professional. Just so when you guest blog you will use professional writing techniques like headings, bold and italics to create interest and show that you care about your host’s website as a part of your affordable internet marketing campaign.
Along these same lines, you want to spend some time looking at the work the prospective website does. Look at their format. Be sure this is a relevant site. You want your article to flow with theirs so that their clients will want to keep reading your article. Piggybacking on another website is a great affordable internet marketing technique, but only if you connect and flow with the other website.
Short and Sweet
People skim articles. There is so much content to read and so little time. If they don’t see any point to continue reading, they go elsewhere. You need to grab their attention and keep your article short writing the minimum amount of words the website suggests. If they don't read to the end, they won't see your marvelously intriguing author box, see your links and go visit your site. You will have lost the whole point of this affordable internet marketing technique.
Interaction Counts
If you are published as a guest on someone’s site, you need to check back daily to see if you have any comments. You are obligated to comment back rather than leave that to the blog owner. By doing this you are also building contacts with potential new clients who will see you as the authority on what you wrote about and will go see what else is on your site. This is the whole point to using this affordable internet marketing concept.
Getting organic traffic to your site by being a guest blogger is an affordable internet marketing idea in the sense that you don’t have to pay to get traffic this way, but please remember that what you don’t spend in money you will spend in time. What is your time worth to you?
Do you think you would be interested in being a guest blogger?
Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
Jaco can be reached at or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - - and LinkedIn -
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