Inbound Marketing Tip: Use Facebook Advertising
I was thinking about the social media inbound marketing strategy of Facebook advertising and how to use it to get leads to your website. I realized that this could become a three-phase process. I am going to assume that you have developed a Facebook Business (Fan) Page already as part of that strategy. If not, this is not the article for you to start with. We'll see you back when your inbound marketing strategy for social media indicates that you are Facebook ad-ready.
3-Phase Process
- Phase one of the process is to develop and test different Facebook Ads. The purpose here is to draw leads to your Page. That is a simple enough marketing strategy, but I hope you have a dynamic Page or this next step is a waste of time and money.
- Phase two is where you want them to both like your Page and use it as a stepping stone to your website. Ha--social media inbound marketing strategy at its best.
- Phase three is that you can then use Facebook analytics to able to see who came to you from your ad so that when you look at your website analytics you can identify that person, who might look like a just an unpaid visitor from Facebook, but not from the Facebook ad. And that is the entire concept for your inbound marketing strategy using Facebook advertising. However, it's not as easy as it sounds.
With these thoughts in mind, I went looking for a good video done in the least amount of time to show you how to create good Facebook ads. I found it and I am presenting it here. There is something of a transcription below; but if you find any funny parts reading it, that's the work of an automated transcription service. I tried to fix some of the funny parts until I realized just how many words a person can speak in six minutes. In case you are wondering--that number is 1100 even.
So with no further ado:
Very Rough Transcription
I want to welcome you to this video. I want to share with you 5 golden tactics if you focus on them will dramatically increase your conversions and in effect bringing in more sales allowing you to build your business when using the Facebook app platform.
Facebook golden tactic number one: Image is everything. Now as part of setting up any Facebook ad campaign a good image is required. This is an area where many advertisers fail to understand the key importance that one image plays inside your campaign. You don't want to settle for any old image you want to make sure that your image stands out and it fits with the inside dimensions of the image area. your image is an essential part of your marketing strategy and if you get it right to allow you to connect with your customers and allow you to create the greatest impact with your audience and best prospects
Facebook golden tactic number two: You will not win targeting to the majority. In order to see success with fewer ads and to make a high return on investment on your campaigns. Contacting plays a big part. For example, if I was to run a campaign and I want to the target people that have interest in wine, if I went and typed in wine shows this word has an audience of eight million nine hundred thousand and just by selecting wine this gives us an estimated reach of over 400,000 people this is not the best practice when talked in your areas of interest most people on the Facebook app come from I'm doing mode for work times the interests are I'm targeted and to generic you want to use the Facebook search box and type in your keywords and see which fan pages comeback relating to those keywords and then you can go on like those pages and use does as precise interests when using your targeting and the fan page seems to have its own bid price and most people are not doing micro-niche targeting just typing in a word like wine and talk to you everything under the stack had to agree and this is possibly a reason why dr. not receiving the highest conventions with dads in order to see maximum results from your campaigns the best strategy is to develop landing page to max two keywords daily target this way you will definitely see and increase you conventions
Facebook golden tactic number three: Split test and maximize your return. Now in running any campaigns on Facebook one thing is to ensure that you speed test your campaigns that means taking one campaign and spitting up into several different parts so you could have one image and then you could duplicate the image onto another campaign and use a different I to and a different body text but keep in use in the same image then you could duplicate again use the same time to end the same body text but change the image around what happens here is you start to see which and is more effective with your audience and therefore you can keep on scrappy at the ones I'm not doing well and you can move over to the ones too are performing well and you can split and I can’t so make sure that use to test to find out that winning campaign
Facebook golden tactic number four: Capture the lead. I've noticed that many marketers fail to do this They are not capturing leads when running any of their Facebook campaigns you should try to capture the leads of every single person who clicks when United's with the help of autoresponder senses if you're not doing is within your campaigns US seriously leaving money on the table and once she captured the lead comes by and clicking on your hand you can reach your customers I just sending out a single message whether it's in email status update on your fan page and in effect you can save you lots of money down the line for example if I was to run an ad on the Google ad network and I wanted to reach 50 people and they were charging me one dollar a click would cost me fifty dollars to reach 50 people and let's say we're using the Facebook and platform and we've run a campaign where fifty people have clicked on our had and if we are collecting those leads those leads of those fifty people would 10 be saved into our database and we can then follow up with those fifty people by sending out a simple message or email and even go out to those people and we won't have to spend fifty dollars in future so this is something essential that you should be doing inside all issue campaigns
Facebook golden tactic number five: Keep an eye on your CTR. CT on stance for click-through rate you want to make sure you are monitoring to see how your answer performing don't just leave them in Fig all will be well in order to get cheap clicks on Facebook the higher the CTR 82 cheaper your cost per click this is something that you need to monitor and keep an eye on and make sure you add I'm getting higher click-through rate you don't want to ignore this number just by understanding the simple concept this is one of the powerful ways to mind money from the Facebook ad platform and if you want cheap talk to traffic retiree your visitors to a facebook fan page Facebook Likes keeping people on their own network hence giving you cheaper clicks not before you rush off and set up your own campaigns and trying to sow let me save you some time because unless you set them up correctly united's may not do as well and you could just be wasting money my name's really hate and I've been using Facebook hands full quite low now and I've managed to catch have some fantastic success had driving targeted traffic and if you sure you want drives concrete deeds to your business 10 is a second part to this video that you can watch by clicking the link below that will take you over to page we'll ask you for your email address internet in an hour singer in hey in VT or email where you can't view the second part is video and science in nineteen these techniques and I hope isn't Julie pace and I'll see you next time
Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
Jaco can be reached at or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - - and LinkedIn - He can also be found at Jaco+.
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