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40 or So Blog Post Ideas for Dummies

3 min read
Mon, Jun 30, 2014 @ 07:55 AM

Blog post ideas lists can get you downYou don’t have a lot of time to dally around looking for ideas for your blog when you have customers up front. I hear this from you at business meeting all the time.

Are you still struggling with business blog post ideas? You can find around 1,000 ideas in lists if you ask Google for “blog post ideas.” Then looking at these lists you might decide to get up from your desk, get a cup of coffee and go to work.

So I am going to sift out a few of the blog post ideas from some of these busy blogs and help you reach a starting point.

First, please remember to get the best possible keywords like we talked about in Discover the Best Local Keywords For Blog Post Ideas Part 2 and get a copy of our ebook An Introduction to Business Blogging for other tips.



Look at these blog post ideas and think of how you can apply them:

  1. Show off or review an item or a new item in your inventory
  2. Answer questions that you are asked often
  3. Profile an employee
  4. Interview someone like a customer or employee
  5. Do a book review of a business book that would help your readers
  6. Talk about a local event, talk about your city
  7. Offer a story about how you got into your business
  8. Tell a story about how you helped a customer go from unhappy to happy
  9. Lessons from your many years in the business
  10. Tell how a customer could justify buying your item to a boss, partner or spouse
  11. Questions you ask a potential customer to see how you can help
  12. How has the economy of the last few years affected your industry?
  13. Conduct a survey and share the results
  14. Talk about a piece of jargon in your industry that people don’t understand
  15. What your policy on quotes and estimates is
  16. What your guarantee policy is
  17. Are some people embarrassed about needing your help and why they shouldn’t feel that way (Mr. Fixit and the plumber). You can write this as if you were Mr. Fixit
  18. Write the Complete Guide to (something you think a customer can do), use screen shots or actual photos
  19. What you have learned about your industry recently
  20. Share from real testimonials. Thank the writer, then tell how you could have done the job better
  21. Shoot some videos to add to your blogs. You can even get a transcription and use it for the blog post
  22. Run a contest with the prize a very nice one and a discount to everyone who participates
  23. Share news about your industry
  24. Use a number like 1,001 ways to do something or 5 great ideas from the 2014 FIFA World Cup
  25. Share some information from your latest ebook or guide
  26. Feature guest posts from industry leaders
  27. FAQs
  28. Interview your favorite client
  29. Post an infographic and give the reason you chose to use it
  30. Create a list of something (like this one)
  31. Write a case study—what the problem was, what you did and what happened next
  32. Research your industry and analyze a topic
  33. Write an introduction of yourself, not just the elevator edition, but a background piece
  34. Content curation
  35. Create a series using your best keyword phrase
  36. Invite someone to write a guest post
  37. Write a “best of” something (like your best-selling item or the best tools you use in your job)
  38. Is your industry in the news? You can link to the article and add additional information
  39. Compare several of your products
  40. Talk about safety as you do your work, for you clients involved in using something
  41. Why are your costs higher or lower than the competition’s
  42. Is this the 45th (or 3rd) anniversary of your business?

This list of blog post ideas should spark some ideas of your own. Pick out a few and let them breathe, like a fine wine. Then go back and see which ones you want to use.

Don't forget to end your article with a call-to-action like the orange button below which is about our new 83 page ebook An Introduction to Business Blogging.

Special thanks to these authors and articles:

Matt Banner: 151 Blog Post Ideas Guaranteed to Blast Off Your Blog 
Phil Rozek: 100 More Doable Ideas for Small-Business Blog Posts
Neil Richmund: 101+ Blog Post Ideas
Janet Aronica: 41 Fresh Blog Post Ideas For Your Company Blog
Mike Wallagher: 101 Blog Post Ideas That Will Make Your Blog “HOT”
Molly Green: 101 Fabulous Blog Topic Ideas

Gary Dek:
The Ultimate List of Blog Post Ideas

Free Business Blogging Guide CTA


Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.

Jaco can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing - and LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar. He can also be found at Jaco+.

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