How to Get More Clients—Go Fishing
How Do You Get More Clients?
Have you ever gone fishing and taken several poles? Business blogging and other platforms like Facebook and Twitter are like having several poles in the water as a way to hook a client into coming to your website and using your products or services. These platforms are not hard-sell platforms when it comes to how to get more clients. People won’t come visit you if all you do is bombard them with why they need your product or service. They want to learn something or be entertained. What you tell them is the bait on your how to get more clients hook.
Estimates show that the average person receives around 2,000 marketing messages every day through a combination of email, online advertising, billboards, and television. Every single one of these advertisements is placed by companies hoping to capture attention and to earn sales. Everyone is tring to figure out how to get more clients at the same time.
Unfortunately, many of these ads attempting to get more clients never reach the target market because consumers are filtering email messages, blocking pop-up advertisements, screening calls with caller ID, and skipping through commercials through the use of satellite radio and TIVO. This means that many of the people who actually want and need what you are selling are not getting hooked by your messages. They are talking themselves out of how get to be your clients without even knowing it.
How to Get More Clients: Blog about It
Here is one suggestion for how to get more clients:
Let’s say that you clean homes for a living. Your major how to get more clients fishing pole is your blog site. You can write blogs about how to clean a house from the top down. Use words that they might use to look up a business in a search. In the process of writing blog posts you might discuss how to get those hard to clean spots out of carpets or the fastest way to straighten out your house when you are expecting guests in a short time. Your call-to-action, the thing that helps a person become a client, might be a question you ask at the end of your post with a request for them to add a comment. People will make comments in your blog comment area, including perhaps a request for your services. You want to watch those comments daily to make sure you don’t miss a job. You also want to remember to answer everyone who leaves you a comment. This is an excellent example of how to get more clients, but it’s not all you have to do.
How to Get More Clients: Casting a Wider Net
Social media is another great way to cast more poles or a wider net as a means of how to get more clients from client-infested water.
Successful businesses make use of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other social media outlets as a means of how to get more clients and to build a lasting relationship. In order to be effective, you must engage these social media accounts not in direct marketing messages, but in subtle, high-interest content. Create lively discussions, respond to comments, offer special promotions, and provide information not related to your business but of interest to your target market. This allows you to earn the trust and respect of customers, many of whom will recommend your business to their friends and thus you have discovered many ways of how to get more clients with the help of others.
You have to remember that unlike your own website, these platforms are not your property. There are very strict rules governing these platforms about how and when you can collect potential client names and what you can do with them. Therefore, you want your call-to-action on these platforms to move these folks from other social media to your website, which you will use as your main way to get more clients.
How To Get More Clients: Keep Those Poles in the Water
With these and other poles you can put in the water, you will soon have learned how to get more clients or customers you can request to take action by buying your products or services. After that, you can ask them to pass on how they felt about your business to their friends in yet another call-to-action. And soon you will have a super “mess” of clients from your fishing expedition.
Are you going fishing in answer to the question of how to get more clients?
For more information:
- Three-Part Plan to Using Consistency to Grow Your Business (BroadVisionMarketing Blog)Business Blogging Beginnings (BroadVision Marketing Blog)
Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
Jaco can be reached at or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - - and LinkedIn - He can also be found at Jaco+.
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