Searching Old Press Release Templates to Create One That's New
Something newsworthy has happened at your company! Congratulations! Now, it's your responsibility to write a press release to communicate the important news to the public. You quickly recognize the opportunity to refashion the old concept, and a plan begins to gel. Beyond the obvious objective of delivering a clear message, you want your announcement to promote a sense of your business's significance in its market and of recognition of its superior organizational quality across the broad audience.
Now you just need a simple plan for creating a press release that is new, refreshing and magnetic, while measured in its tone to ideally conform to the propriety of official news communications. A news release that stands out from the crowd of competing informational items consumed by the public everyday requires a unique press release template. Fortunately, various average configurations of this basic tool are in abundance and are acquirable with a few mouse clicks.
Press release templates
The square area of the press release template is premium advertising real estate. Of course, the template will frame the structure of your message. Then, you'll fill the format with a message crisply-crafted to project your business as the savvy and exciting company that it is. Follow these simple steps through the formatting leg of the challenge.
- Do a couple of simple web searches to identify press release templates that you find appealing. Print, or save these samples electronically. Clip segments from each that especially attract your attention.
- Assemble all of the elements into one or two mock press release templates, and select one. Identify the style elements that most appeal to you, and replace clashing style elements to create a consistent look. You are on your way to creating your unique template.
- Include the basics: a strong heading; attention-grabbing expression of a point of major emphasis; economical body text; company profile (basic 'About Us' data); and contact information.
- Adding a color photo to help tell the story can be a big bonus to the noticeability of the presentation and the effectiveness of its marketing message.
Message elements
- Insert the basics into the press release template you have created: the date; description of what your company does; the announcement of your news; key details of the important news; marketing highlights such as your team's expertise and superior technological capabilities. Don't forget judicious use of your long-tail keyword phrase.
- Interview your company's spokesperson, or ask him to send you some quotable statements about the subject of the news release. Explain to him specifically what you want to convey through his remarks. Alternatively, write comments for him, and ask him to sign-off on them. Format your information as a news article, including the interview quotes.
- Even if your press release will be distributed via mass media, style your message to appeal to your target audience, not generically for universal consumption. So remember that keyword phrase to attract your particular audience.
- Solicit feedback on your press release template and content draft from several other people who have strong writing and/or editing skills. And, ask a marketing specialist for input. Representing a company to its very best advantage takes a team. Minutes spent by a few interested parties to optimize the company's image to its market are highly worthy investments. So, it's appropriate to lavish attention on the press release. It is no less than your company's vehicle for reaching a large audience from an approach that features your business in a way apart from the usual marketing media that your clientele are accustomed to seeing from you. It's special. After all you created something new from old press release templates.
The press release is a superb strategic marketing device. So, lastly, before you publish, ask yourself and your team to evaluate the content's potential to inspire prospective customers to contact your company. And if you are still unsure, please give us a call. One of our media specialists will be happy to assist.
Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
Jaco can be reached at or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - - and LinkedIn - He can also be found at Jaco+.
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