Go Digital or Go Home: Five Critical Digital Marketing Objectives
Madonna may still be “living in a material world,” but nearly 30 years later the rest of us have moved onto a digital one. The facts are in: the 21st century global marketplace demands 21st century marketing strategies. And while SEO absolutely matters, it’s not the only factor in doing good digital business. Read on to learn five critical marketing objectives for success in the digital age.
1. Go Mobile
The typical American consumer now spends more internet time with mobile apps than on a PC. These numbers are expected to continue to rise -- both in terms of mobile apps and mobile optimized websites. If you haven’t yet incorporated these elements into your business strategies, odds are you’re missing out on a major demographic.
From extending your reach to increasing sales and conversion rates, mobile offers the unparalleled potential to enhance consumer connections while promoting your brand.
2. Content Marketing
A sexy sales pitch might have worked for Don Draper, but today’s savvy customers expect more. Successful content marketing in the digital age is not designed to sell; rather, it is designed to add value. In fact, well-executed content marketing not only increases sales, it also engages readers, improves brand loyalty and generates leads.
An added benefit? Content marketing costs 60 percent less than traditional marketing methods.
3. Social Media
While social media may generate serious buzz, few businesses are optimizing its full potential. They should: nearly 75 percent of marketers reported increased site traffic after incorporating social media into their marketing strategies.
In short, social media offers amazing potential as a brand building tool. By crafting a consistent message and by positively reinforcing it, you can cultivate relationships, build consumer trust and create a brand community among your constituents.
4. Email Marketing
Email may sometimes feel like the Jan Brady to social media’s Marcia, but the truth is that it’s as groovy as ever. With the number of email accounts tripling the sum of all Facebook and Twitter accounts, failure to acknowledge its continued importance as the dominant mode of modern communication is a strategic oversight when it comes to your marketing objectives.
By the end of 2017, global email accounts are expected to number nearly five billion, and the vast majority of these accounts belong to consumers.
Need more proof of the importance of email? Consider this: consumer recipients of email marketing spend as much as 80 percent more when shopping than their non-email recipient counterparts. If you’d like these stats to be reflected in your bottom line, then it’s time to reevaluate your email marketing plan.
5. Photos and Videos
How many times have you shared or received an inspiring photo or funny video through email or social media? You’re not alone: of the more than 100 million people who watch internet videos daily, just under half of these share their findings.
But photos and video don’t just prettify your website and engage consumers, they also lead to enhanced SEO results -- particularly with effective image optimization techniques. Even Google loves visuals, and better search results await with the right strategies.
Research further suggests that online videos may yield conversation rates of up to 90 percent. And if 90 percent doesn’t ring your bell, we can't imagine what will.
If you haven’t embraced the power of digital yet, what are you waiting for? Incorporating these five marketing objectives can give your business the powerful push it needs to gain that coveted competitive edge. We can give you a boost with our free Complimentary Inbound Marketing Session if you are interested.
Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
Jaco can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing - and LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar. He can also be found at Jaco+.
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