2 Great Ways to Keep your Facebook Page Fresh
What is your Facebook marketing strategy? Do you have one? You need a good strategy in order to make sure that you continue to grow and increase your pages engagement activity.
When do you practice patience and when do you decide that you need to make some changes because you are not having the success you were expecting? Was your goal really realistic? Did you set a length of time that you were going to wait to get those good results?
Questions, questions, you say; but the way to develop your strategy is by asking yourself these questions. And then there are the questions you ask on your page to get people commenting and having discussions (the call-to-action).
Youve been asking those questions on your site, but only a few people comment. You need to think about the questions. They might not be of interest to your fans. You need to look at what topics get the most comments.
You also need to ask yourself if your questions are too hard or take too much time to answer. When people are on Facebook, they are in fast mode and do not want to spend a long time in one place. Neither do you. So you have to ask questions that dont take long to answer, in fact one word answers get the most engagement.
The bottom line in this instance it that if your strategy is not working, change it. Dont sit on it for weeks debating whether to change it. Use your time to figure out what kinds of changes you need to make and just do it.
Another part of your strategy is to post new content often, but you have to make sure that you are educating, entertaining and empowering your fans. What if you dont do this? They wont come back for more.
How else can you get more fans through what you publish? Publish as many places as you can. Get your content all over the internet so it can be seen in as many places to as many people as possible. Be sure you have buttons for people to follow you on Facebook on your blog. Then spread that blog to Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube and elsewhere.
Do you know what your competition is publishing? If you like something you see and think your readers would, too, publish that information, making sure to give your competition the credit. Third-party publishing adds value to your readers while you dont have to come up with new content.
A calendar is a good way to make sure that you are consistent about publishing content to your Facebook fan page. You can create a Google calendar in which you can do things one of two ways. The easy way is to mark down every time you add to your Fan Page and then send yourself a reminder in a week to think about doing it again.
Or you can get very organized and create a six-month calendar. There are several free ones on the market. I prefer Googles calendar.
Decide in advance how often you intend to create content and in which forms. Do you want to create blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, reports, white papers or mix it up in some other way? Then pick out what you want to do. One thing that might help you decide how to go about doing this is to check out all your competition and see what they are doing and what works for their audiences. This will help you see what your clients would be interested in.
Finally, get out that calendar, pick out dates that plat to do something and write down what your topic will be and the way you are going to deliver it. If you are that prepared a kind of person, you will be able to keep up with your intentions this way.
Now is the time to take action on this new idea. Get going on that calendar now while you are thinking about it. After you create it, be sure to have it give you reminders so you can stick to it. You are sure to see results.
Have you tried these ideas? How did they work for you? Are you willing to give them a try? Please leave a comment in the box below. (This is a call-to-action, dear readers.)
Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing, helps business owners and business professionals put marketing strategies in place that consistently secure new clients. He can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.799.1238. You can Like him at www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing or connect with him on www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar.
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