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Facebook Analytics—For the Faint of Heart

3 min read
Thu, Aug 25, 2011 @ 07:43 PM

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="266" caption="Facebook logo"]Facebook logo[/caption]

I admit that analytics can be daunting. Are you one of the many that finds that the case? Facebook has made seeking your activity easy to find and understand.

If you have put off this part of your business plan because of fear, Facebook can turn you into a believer as you track some simple metrics weekly. Here are some questions Facebook can answer for you:

    • How many fans do you have totally?

    • What is number of new fans this week?

    • What is the amount of growth from last to this week?

    • How many unlikes were there?

    • How many weekly actives did you get?

    • What is the active growth rate from last to this week?

You can find the answers to these questions by looking at your Facebook Insights found on your page. Look on the right hand column under Admins. The fourth item down says “View Insights” Click this. This will take you to your page metrics.


[caption id="attachment_1759" align="aligncenter" width="416" caption="A snapshot from Facebook Insights of my page’s metrics"][/caption]

Another tracking tool you might be interested in is Fan Page EdgeRankChecker at http://www.edgerankchecker.com/.  This online tool scores your page activity overall. This tool helps people see what score Facebook gives a page in EdgeRank’s terms. You have to know that no one knows the actual formula Facebook makes use of to assign and EdgeRank score, but this is still a helpful tool. It doesn’t work for personal profiles. It is strictly a fan page application.

Go to the edgerankchecker.com, where you will find a Facebook button. Click that and it will ask for permission to get the data from your page. It will then give you your rank.

You will get a number that will tell you how you score:

    • 0-3 is below average

    • 4-7 is average

    • 7+ is above average

    • Scores of 20 are excellent. Coke and Pringles are above 20. The more interactions, the better the edge rank.

Another tool is Outside the Cubicle at http://OutsideTheCubicle.com/, that identifies the days of the week when you can get the most clicks and days when you have little activity. You want to launch a promotion on a day that you know that people are looking at your site.

So here is an action you can take based on hooking up to these analytics.  You can make a Google Doc and use it to keep track of your Facebook activity weekly. By doing this, you will learn what is working for you and what you might need to change, as you look at the high and low metrics in your Google document.

If you have been using any of these programs I have told you about, how have they worked for you? Please comment in the box below.
Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing, helps business owners and business professionals put marketing strategies in place that consistently secure new clients. He can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.799.1238. You can “Like” him at www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing or connect with him on  www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar.

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