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QR codes become more common you are going to see them used in many creative ways. I just started looking for them, using them and I am fascinated.
Here is a list of some of the ways you might want to use them for your business.
- Free StuffEveryone loves getting things for free. If you place a QR
- code on promotional merchandise, you can create brand touch points and reach a broader audience.
- Direct MailThere are companies that can create, print and track QR codes for direct mail campaigns. Now instead of boring old email, with a single click readers can go to your unique website, personalized landing pages, videos or surveys.
- Holding an Event?Tradeshows, conferences, luncheons or launch parties can be enhanced by QR Codes, which are changing company interaction with customers, how they advertise and brand products.
- Add a QR Code to Your Business CardCreate a digital printed business card where the people you meet can easily import your information directly into their smart phones. QR codes can be used to direct scanners to your online website, resume, Facebook/Twitter Page. This will help new contact connect with you faster than ever before.
- Store-Front WindowsWith the rise in the popularity of window decals, businesses are using codes to offer street goers coupons, product details, video and other creative offers.
- Marketing MaterialsYou can add a QR Code to your brochures, fliers, whitepapers, and other materials to direct readers to product demos, photos, social media pages or point them to a mobile friendly landing page to promote a new campaign.
- FoodQR Codes are being used on food packaging to send people to places for nutritional information, to make informed decisions or provide coupons for future purchases.
- Pay by PhoneYouve seen it on television. Retailers are using QR Codes to have customers pay from their smart phones. Phones are being used in place of a physical credit card in some locations and can be used to create gift cards in others.
Be sure that you dont just do this one time and think that you have arrived. You need to update your promotions weekly or figure out some creative use for them in your business often enough that people wont get bored and quit visiting the site. Also you need to keep your mobile landing page fresh as well. As more people make use of the QR Code to learn information while they are away from their computer, you want to be at the forefront of this cool new frontier.
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