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Marketing Syntax - The Language of Marketing

1 min read
Tue, Jan 18, 2011 @ 11:08 AM
Did you know that Marketing has a very specific language and syntax?

The purpose of this language is to get attention, generate interest, arouse desire, and stimulate action.

But most of us don’t understand this language or even realize that it exists. I call this language Marketing Syntax and this is how it works: It’s simply a matter of putting your marketing communication in the right order. The correct order of your marketing ideas always gets better results than if the ideas are in the wrong order.

Marketing Syntax for verbal communications:

1. Target - Who are your ideal clients?

2. Problem – What is your prospect’s issue or challenge?

3. Outcome – What result or outcome would they prefer?

4. Story (Proof) – Stories or case studies of moving from problem to outcome.

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