Sales Funnel: SEO, Landing Pages and Your Customer
Your landing pages are the places where a search engine decides to send your potential client to. How do you create landing pages that will get people to stick? How do you draw them into your sales funnel? You need to use the right SEO keywords, learn what works, and be willing to change what doesn't. I found these sights when I looked for a few thought leaders' articles on the web that might help you improve all your pages. Amazingly enough the first one I found was repeated on several blogs, but I think I found the original.
Organic searching is different from someone who knows you and goes directly to your site. It's different from email URLs that direct the person to your page. How do you know which pages the search engine sends customers to?
SEO Conversion Challenges: When Every Page is a Landing Page .
Searchers aren't like your other online customers. As a result, converting searchers to customers requires a different way of thinking.
How about solutions pages?
Next you are going to need a process for crafting phenomenal SEO landing pages that are optimized for search and structured to generate conversions from people in your sales funnel. On thing that I found different in this article was it's reference to solutions pages. What...?
How to Craft Phenomenal SEO Landing Pages That Rank & Convert ...
Given the need to perform well in competitive organic SERPs (and to rank for a basket of keywords and keyword variations), SEO landing pages are typically structured much differently than a paid search landing page, with ...
Where do you go from here?
Go a step further and work to integrate SEO tactics across your marketing through search marketing integration. Your customers are entering your sales funnel from many different platforms. We are going to see more of this in the future. You want to get in on these suggestions now.
The New SEO: Search Marketing Integration - Search Engine Watch ...
As the search engines widen their gaze and perfect the techniques they use to measure content quality, brand sentiment and relevance, the optimization of a site for search will increasingly overlap with other marketing disciplines. Over the next couple ... Savvy link builders will have strategies for building out natural link profiles with a sprinkle of brand, product, and SEO keyword links. .... How to Craft Phenomenal SEO Landing Pages That Rank & Convert. January 8 ...
Where is your customer in terms of your sales funnel?
Now that you have created some meaningful landing pages on multiple platforms and landing pages, it's time to look at some tactics you can use to maximize the number of organic leads entering the top of your sales funnel through SEO.
5 SEO Tips for 2013 and Beyond | DEG
In this article, we will share some of the tactics we use to maximize the number of organic leads entering the top of the sales funnel through search engine optimization, or SEO. ... Google Analytics at Traffic Sources > Search Engine Optimization, you can see (1) search queries that caused at least one of your pages to display in Google search (2) the most popular landing pages on your site via search and (3) a geographical summary of search impressions and clicks.
Slideshare, anyone?
Do you need a slideshare presentation to encourage you in your creation of the right kinds of landing pages once you know how to use SEO to get your potentials into the sales funnel?
Check out Trada Reviews here:
A Youtube video on landing pages, SEO and your sales funnel
Wrapping up this presentation is a video for those of you who like a good, short video. We learned in The New SEO: Search Marketing Integration - Search Engine Watch ... that a Forrester study from January 2010 showed that a webpage with a video on it was 53 times more likely to gain a page-one position in the SERPs. So we have included a short video that ties everything together from the articles and slideshare presentation.
How To Increase Landing Page SEO & Conversions
Here are three aspects of your website landing pages that are vital for more sales and SEO results: relevance, reach and responsiveness. Visit our website for some live client examples and learning how we can directly aid your online efforts! www.bra...
The future of organic traffic entering your sales funnel from search engine optimization is going to be even more different from the changes we saw last year with penguins and pandas. SEO, far from being dead, is going to be more important on every page of every platform that you market on. Therefore, it is very important that you learn the techniques you read about today to extend your reach and fill your sales funnel.
The Online Marketing Funnel Infographic by permission from
Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
Jaco can be reached at or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - - and LinkedIn -
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