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Everyone says you need their product or service. We get it. But in today's digital world there really is one thing your business needs: Digital Marketing.

Whether you undertake it yourself or hire a digital marketing service, marketing your business online is a necessity for most every business.


So, What Is Digital Marketing Exactly?

Every business needs to be seen and heard.

One of the most fundamental and basic requirements for any commercial endeavor, be that a simple lemonade stand or a multi-national services enterprise, is attention. Potential customers or clients must take notice of you.

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?”

One could reasonably ask, "If you have a business and no one knows, does it exist?"  

In the days prior to April 30, 1993, there was no Internet, no World Wide Web, no marketing "online" as we often refer to it today. There was only advertising, public relations, and publicity. And word of mouth, of course.

Without any of these platforms promoting the existence of your business, it would not exist for all practical purposes.

Today is no different.

Almost everyone goes to the Internet - usually with their cell phones - to search, to shop, and to find businesses. If your business is never seen online then it may as well not exist. Which is why digital marketing is so essential to your business.

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Digital Marketing Simply Put

Our friends at HubSpot have provided an elegant definition of digital marketing that we have shared here:

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your company's online marketing efforts.

From your website itself to your online branding assets and social media channels -- digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond -- there’s a huge spectrum of tactics and assets that fall under the umbrella of digital marketing.

HubSpot goes on to explain that most businesses use digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and online advertising, as well as their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers.

More and more companies are moving to online, or digital, channels and away from traditional marketing tactics because it allows them to reach their ideal target audience online: where they're already spending most of their time.

The challenge for almost every business - and business owner - is how to best implement the various practices, process, and procedures that make up effective digital marketing?

While it is certainly true that almost anyone can learn how to create and carry out digital marketing plans, it requires a bit of a learning to curve to do so effectively. And most small business owners and managers have much more important things to invest their limited time and efforts into. 

Such as building and running great businesses!

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Three Good Reasons for Your Business to Have Good Digital Marketing

here are dozens of great reasons and benefits of having a good digital marketing strategy. Here are the three "top" reasons for doing so:

1. You Reach the Right People 

Regardless of whether your ideal market is situated within driving distance of your brick-and-mortar store, or consists of potential customers anywhere on the globe, the Internet is your gateway. Digital marketing allows you to reach far more of the right people than you can by marketing solely offline.

And truly effective digital marketing strategy puts you in front of prospective customers right at the moment they need your product or services.

2. You Have Measurable Results

John Wanamaker (1838-1922) was considered by some to be a "pioneer in marketing”. He is more famous, however, for this quote,

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”.

And this has been more or less true for marketers and business owners since the dawn of modern advertising. But digital marketing allows you to see accurate results in real time. With digital marketing, you can measure the ROI of pretty much any aspect of your marketing efforts using analytics software and a growing plethora of tools.

Bottom line? No more wasted marketing dollars.

3. You Have a Manageable Marketing Plan


Without a strategic digital marketing plan, your business is at a precarious competitive place and disadvantage. Your potential customers will find someone on the Internet to meet their needs, but it will be one of your competitors.

And simply having an online presence isn't enough. Even a good marketing plan must be based on a strategy, actively managed, and continually maintained. An unmanaged digital presence will become costly, it leads to stagnate growth, and will actually diminish the relevancy of your business online.


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Get Digital Marketing for Your Business with BroadVision Marketing

You probably know by now that effective digital marketing practices will significantly boost traffic for your business and for your products and services.

But what you may not know is that to achieve your marketing objectives requires a level of expertise that most business owners and even marketing managers may not possess. 

Nor have the time to learn.

Implementing digital marketing is far more than uploading a few blog posts or posting updates on your company's social media.

Your digital marketing efforts must be consistently implemented for some time before your organic search results and web traffic will see significant improvement and increase.

The good news is that you don't have to figure it out alone. In fact, one of the best investments you can make with your marketing budget is to partner with a professional firm like BroadVision marketing.

Click below to learn about our Digital Marketing services to help you make an informed decision, or call us at BroadVision Marketing at 707-799-1238.


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