Content marketing has been around for at least the last decade, and it's revolutionized the way in which businesses interact with modern-day, Smartphone-equipped mobile customers.
The science and art of content marketing is all about strategically positioning your brand to engage consumers with relevant, timely and entertaining content and allow companies to become proprietary curators of owned media across an array of channels (e.g., social media, email newsletters and blogs).
CRM Platforms Fuse Optimized Context with Content Marketing
As many content marketers are finding out, though, the "where" and the "who" part of the equation is just as important as the "what" part of digital marketing.
Where you deliver your content and at what phase in the sales cycle is equally important as the kind of content that you curate.
In other words, quality content delivered in a timely fashion isn't going out of style by any means, but the context of that delivery is becoming dramatically more important when it comes to wrangling more views and spurring action from your customers.
Context Marketing and Your CRM
Context marketing - the other side of the content/context marketing coin - takes into account things like the browsers your customers are coming at your content from as well as the expectations that they're bringing to the table based on their previous buying experience.
In terms of wielding a CRM effectively to deliver content marketing in the right context, a lot of the work is already done for you since - after inputting customer's info and sales data - CRM's can determine the right context for delivering, say, an email marketing message.
Furthermore, a CRM can boost your sales by delivering content in a context that's geared towards moving customers along the sales funnel and getting the optimal outcome for your business.
At the beginning of the sales funnel that's obviously lead generation, but then CRMs can deliver middle- and top-of-the-funnel content later on to guarantee potent lead nurturing.
Customer relationship management software can really put you in the shoes of customers and allow you to take on their expectations and needs at that particular point in the buying process.
At the beginning, customers are probably getting more general content to answer broad questions about you, your company and its products; later on, they'll receive optimized content in the right context to ultimately increase conversions for your business.
CRMs Deliver Cross-device Compatibility and UX-designed Goodness
What's known as user-experience designs are all about enhancing your website and online content so that it's tailored towards enhancing the satisfaction of your users.
This means creating websites and content with things like accessibility and usability across a host of devices (tablets, Smartphones, PCs, etc.) and browsers in mind and then beta testing to make sure that your final product (e.g., your website) is up to snuff and fulfilling user's expectations.
Deliver Content According to (Mobile) Context
A sine qua non for getting that kind of great user feedback is making sure that you pages load across all of the devices that your customers and fans use to access your online material.
This means that you'll need flawless loading and performance on mobile devices to facilitate an ongoing dialogue with customers and, for instance, make their shopping experience seamless yet memorable.
With tools like GPS tracking and local SEO you can spot where your customers at at any particular time and deliver content in the context that makes them really apt to take action conducive to business growth for your company.
A CRM platform can help you understand your customers better and deliver quality content in the right context every time.
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