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WordPress Website Maintenance Checklist: 50+ Best Practices (Infographic)

1 min read
Mon, Dec 09, 2019 @ 10:35 AM

Running and maintaining a website is never easy. Once your website is launched, you need to ensure that it is optimal at all times if you want to earn greater revenue in the long run. Maintaining a website is a challenge for sure. However, if you let your website fall into disarray, it could lead to a host of problems, which could affect your site’s traffic and ranking. The most important issue with an unmaintained website is security breaches. This could be malware or spam, or worse yet, hacking attempts. Thus, to stay away from all these issues, you must make website maintenance a top priority.

If your website is WordPress-powered, then managing and maintaining it is a breeze. This is because WordPress offers efficient plugins for each little task, which makes maintaining a website a hassle-free undertaking. From security to SEO, from content to website audit, there is a lot that you need to do, which might overwhelm you, especially if you don’t know where to begin.

Thus, to help you out with this, here is a comprehensive checklist that has listed the 50+ best practices of website maintenance. This will help you to keep your website safe, prevent data loss, and offer users an enhanced experience as they navigate through your website. A well-maintained website can also help boosts your ranking as well as conversion. As such, check out the infographic checklist below, and for more details, refer to this in-depth guide.

WordPress Website Maintenance Checklist (Infographic) - 50+ Essential Tips & Practices by the Team at BigRockCoupon.in

WordPress Website Maintenance ChecklistThis article was written by Sudhir Bhushan. He is a Tech & Social enthusiast. He is also a Web Entrepreneur by Profession and loves to write about the latest trends on Social Media & SEO.

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