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An Optimized Homepage As Part Of A Marketing Plan

2 min read
Wed, Jan 13, 2021 @ 12:15 PM

an-optimized-homepage-as-part-of-a-marketing-plan-postIt's a new year and odds are you're considering a complete website redesign. This could be a great idea especially if you are looking to generate more leads from your website. An effective website is critical to a good inbound marketing plan. And, according to the experts, it's a good idea to start with your homepage. 

Inbound Marketing Begins and Ends At Your Homepage

Your website's homepage functions as your company's virtual front door. This is where people usually "come in" and visit. And a well designed homepage is can be incredibly effective for drawing in a majority of your website's traffic.

Yet, the reality is that many businesses fail to maximize the potential of this critical piece of virtual real estate. 

According to our friends over at HubSpot,

...your homepage needs to wear a lot of hats. Rather than treating it like a dedicated landing page built around one particular action, it should be designed to serve different audiences, from different origins. And in order to do so effectively, it needs to be built with purpose. In other words, you'll need to incorporate elements that attract traffic, educate visitors, and invite conversions.

In order to help website owners improve the performance of their homepage, they've created this spiffy infographic detailing 12 critical elements that every homepage must have (including yours!):



Building a Great Homepage Does Not Have to be a DIY Project

Fortunately, you don't have to attempt this on your own! Your options for implementing a successful inbound marketing strategy with a great website homepage include turning to a professional firm that can work with you to maximize your efforts.

A qualified agency like BroadVision Marketing will develop a road map with an implementation time line, marketing milestones, and key deliverables. Using this road map we will create the framework and structure for us to work with you and help you to achieve your marketing goals.  

Get your Free Complimentary Inbound Marketing Session to help you make an informed decision or call BroadVision Marketing at 707-799-1238.

Business Blog advice from inbound marketer in Petaluma CA   Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner and CMO of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.

Jaco can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook -www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing - and LinkedIn -www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar.

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