You have spent a lot of your marketing budget setting up your website. Your homepage looks real good and reminds you of the old newspaper ads of old. So why arent people converting using it?
Conversion about keeping your customer focused. A homepage full of your products is the opposite of focus. Even if you only have one service for sale, your homepage is full of details, again the opposite of focus.
What you need are specific landing page that you can manage and optimize in controlled isolation. Technically a landing page is any page on your website that customers arrive at or land on. It should be created as a stand-alone page, as a promotion specific site.
A landing page should have a few general properties:
- There should be single entry paths, accessible only from promotion or campaign specific marketing links, like from Facebook, email or banner ads.
- There should be one conversion goal. The page has one purpose and usually a single, primary call to action.
So how do landing pages work?
- When you design a landing page that has only a single focused message, you create a simple experience that represents the expectation you created in your upstream ad.
- This focused message improves visitor conversion behavior and reduces the cost of paid advertising.
- By separating the landing page from the rest of your website, you can manage your operation more easily and be more responsive to the customer.
- A landing page is easier to experiment with to test and optimize. It doesnt affect the rest of the site.
- The landing page makes it easier to measure what works best, how it is being received and which channels perform best for inbound traffic sources.
Now that you have been introduced to this new part of your marketing techniques, do you think you are likely to use landing pages to focus your customers the way you want them to go?
Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing, helps business owners and business professionals put marketing strategies in place that consistently secure new clients. He can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.799.1238. You can Like him at www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing or connect with him on www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar.
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