Ideas to Help You Develop a Media Strategy for Your Blog
Now that you have decided to write a blog for your business, you go on line and ask Google to do a general search on your product. Whats this? There are millions of blogs on the internet and it looks like millions about your product. One look at the competition and you are tempted to head for the hills.
But dont do that. You can compete if you spend the time to create informative blog posts. This is not just a business whim, but a strategic point of your marketing campaign. If you want to be successful, you have only to take the time and effort to write content about your product. Before you start you might want to spend time answering some questions that will help you develop your strategy and actually help you write.
- What will your blog do for your business?
- Are you trying to increase brand awareness?
- Are you trying to build relationships?
- Are you trying to sell a product?
The answer to these questions will give you reasons for writing your blog, but you have another set of questions to ask yourself about how you are going to create the blog. For one thing you need to focus on only one objective at a time. Here are some good objective questions.
- Specifically who are your readers?
- What do they want and need?
- Which other blogs are they reading now?
- Why should they read your blog?
- How will it contribute to the quality of their lives?
- Will your blog lead them to valuable resources?
- Does your blog answer questions that they have?
- Does your blog help people think?
You need to know your audiencewhat information they need to make a decisionbefore you can successfully help them.
- What are you going to make as your call-to-action?
If your blog is meeting the needs of your social media strategy objectives, you are going to want a way to get the email addresses of qualified leads. One way to do this is to offer them more information from you in a white paper for instance, or invite them t subscribe to your blog or leave a comment.
- How do you get people to refer their friends to your blog?
To get your blog noticed, you need to optimize it for search engines. You also want people to share your blog with their friends through buttons. You can also promote your blog on email newsletters. Here are some more questions you need to consider:
- How many times will you post a month and who will help you do this?
- What are you going to write about?
- How will you measure your blog success?
Its very important to lay the foundation of your social media strategy before you start writing and publishing your content. When you can answer the questions in this article, you will be on your way with a strong, steady direction before you. If you do so, your reader will not be able to leave without finishing the article. The next thing you know, you will have acquired a new client.
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