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There are Sales Funnels and There are Sales Funnels and . . .

3 min read
Thu, Oct 17, 2013 @ 07:56 AM

Guest Blogger: Ann Mullen  You can go look at sales funnels for yourself on Google Images any time you want, but I thought I would show you a few different ones. Why am I so interested in sales funnels besides the fact that they are colorful? I like them because they are so different. Whatever you want to study you can create as a funnel.  It starts at the top with a general topic and winds up very specific. I have also discovered in my quest that not all sales funnels are even shaped like a funnel. So for your edification and my enjoyment, here are some sales funnels.

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Avoid the Sales Funnel Swirly


From the general to the specific


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A slight look at the Google Images page for Sales Funnels



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How To Use The Marketing Funnel For SEO & Inbound Marketing



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What is a Sales Funnel and Why Should Content Creators Care ...


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What is a Sales Funnel and Why Do I Need One? Andrew Spence ...




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The Inbound Marketing Sales Funnel: Bottom of the Funnel Offers



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The Inbound Marketing Sales Funnel: Middle of the Funnel Offers




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The Sales Funnel – Awareness > Interest > Desire > Action



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Sales Funnel Recipe | - Red Direction




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Where Drip Campaigns Can Stop Sales Funnel Leakage



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The Bottom Half of the Hourglass: The Customer Cone (Part 2 of 2)



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The Evolution of the Sales Funnel [Cartoon]


Complimentary Inbound Marketing Session


local inbound marketing agency, Petaluma CAAnn Mullen has been writing most of her life, some of it even for pay. She wrote as many as three columns a week for a newspaper in South Texas and published seven short stories in national magazines. For the two and a half years she has been a team member of BroadVision Marketing. You can contact her at mullenannfw@gmail.com.


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