6 Internet Marketing Tips about Today's Audience
Why does inbound marketing work? Why are people attracted to whitepapers, blogs, webinars, posts and tweets like a bee to a flower? Why do we look for internet marketing tips? The proof that inbound marketing works is the fact that you are here on the internet. You found this blog and so many more things that perhaps you have even forgotten what you started searching for. In the old days people would get lost in encyclopedias the same way when an article indicated more on a piece of the subject could be found elsewhere. There are some special things about us that are the core reasons why we and many other people love internet marketing tips about inbound marketing.
- It is not outbound marketing—We are so tired of loud TV ads that we skip them while watching our recorded programs. We are sick of email blasts and the killing of trees from direct mail. But what is the appeal of internet marketing tips about inbound marketing?
- We are tired of traditional marketing—We want entertainment and information that isn’t seen on TV like in the old days. Marketers know this and use it when they require you to sign up for whitepapers, games, viral videos and the latest ebook. We don’t mind sharing our name and email on some form for a free whitepaper on internet marketing tips.
- We are the generation of WIIM—Yes, we are greedy. We want something for nothing. Why pay if we don’t have to. Since inbound marketing contains information and education, we want that. If we see that the information is valuable, we willingly put our name and email address on the sign-in form and even willingly give more information about ourselves on a landing page. We are especially likely to do this if we are responding to a trusted source, one we check out frequently and may even subscribe to. We don’t mind signing up at all in the hopes of getting the ultimate internet marketing tips.
- We don’t want to do the work ourselves—Yes, we are a lazy bunch, wanting an easy way to get to the meat of the subject without being the ones to do the hours of endless research. We want the 6 Internet Marketing Tips. We don’t even want to do training courses or read manuals.
- Reading—Who has time? We don’t read much anymore. We skim, love bullets, and want the main points in 140 characters. We want the essence of the information. Some of us even listen to podcasts, expecting to absorb knowledge while texting and driving. We are so busy with these important things to do that we prefer to see things in terms like 6 Internet Marketing Tips in around 500 words or so with numbers for skimming.
- What is wrong with being like that? We need to accept that people these days are just like we are. So we need to be aware of the way people are to be successful inbound marketers. We need to create our blogs, tweets, Facebook pages, whitepapers, and such to appeal to the way people want their information. Plus, we need to be on ever on the lookout for the next shift in what people want and be ready to change yet again.
Do you find that you and the people you know are like the way we presented here? Do you have any character traits to add? Tell us about them below.
Jaco Grobbelaar is the owner of BroadVision Marketing. BroadVision Marketing works with business owners to put in place inbound and outbound marketing strategies that consistently secure new clients. The BroadVision Marketing Training Center is located in Petaluma, CA and primarily serves companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
Jaco can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.766.9778 or connect with Jaco on Facebook - www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing - and LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar.
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