3 Reasons To Avoid Cheap SEO Services [Tips]
Every marketer wants to save money.
And every small business owner functioning as their own marketer really wants to save money! While saving money on your marketing efforts is a good thing (a great thing really!) going for the cheap SEO services can turn out to be an expensive option.
Cheap SEO Services Can Be Costly
Far too many businesses relegate effective SEO strategies to simply a function that can be knocked out with a few keystrokes and a bit of keyword magic. Either because of a lack of understanding, or a lack of appreciation for the value and complexity of effective SEO strategy, they tend to opt for cheap offers of SEO services.
But they are buying a mirage.
According to Gregory Smith, founder at Search Simplicity,
"...the truth is, there’s no such thing as a cheap SEO plan. There are those who are very desperate, and they offer SEO services, as well as link building services, at a low rate, but if you’ve been doing business for any amount of time, you have hopefully come to learn that, you get what YOU pay for."
Yes, there are options out there that promise great results for small fees. But the reality is in the actual results. The idea is that you are "buying" quality search results that provide a significant percentage of leads that eventually become paying customers. And if you aren't getting those search results from your "cheap" SEO service, then you are losing money.
Plain and simple.
What's Considered a Good - not Cheap - SEO Service?
What should you look for when choosing a good SEO service?
While you want to avoid the obviously "cheap" firms luring you, you also don't want to sell the farm for some premium, "everything but the kitchen sink" bundle of services that your business may not really benefit from.
Instead, look for proof of performance, proof of industry knowledge, and proof of trust. And with that in mind, here are five things you want from an SEO/inbound marketing agency:
Do You Need an Agency for SEO Services?
That's a great question and a valid one.
Surely content creation and inbound marketing are tasks any capable business owner can manage? Is it really necessary to outsource these functions to a third party, no matter how good they are?
Well, yes and no.
Yes, you probably can do your own inbound marketing. But do you really have the time, resources, and knowledge to make it happen? The truth is that most companies don't. From both a resource allocation perspective and a cost-effectiveness perspective, it makes more sense to enlist the aid of a good outside team.
SEO Services and An Agency for You
Fortunately, you don't have to attempt this on your own! Your options for implementing a successful inbound marketing strategy include turning to a professional firm that can work with you to maximize your efforts.
A qualified agency like BroadVision Marketing will develop a road map with an implementation time line, marketing milestones, and key deliverables. Using this road map we will create the framework and structure for us to work with you and help you to achieve your marketing goals.
Get your Free Complimentary Inbound Marketing Session to help you make an informed decision or call BroadVision Marketing at 707-799-1238.
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