Business Blogging Requires Effort And Ideas [Tips]
The bottom line when it comes to inbound marketing is that every business needs a blog. Business blogging is at the core of a content strategy. But you need ideas.
[Parts of this post were originally published in a slightly different format in April 2016. But we feel that some things never get old or go away. Like the need for great blog post ideas!]
One of the fundamental elements of inbound marketing is the effective use of business blogging. While a blog by itself does not constitute the entirety of an inbound, or content, marketing strategy, it is a big part.
Typically, the more frequently the blog posts are published, the better. Differing schools of thought prevail here, but it is generally agreed that a minimum of two posts per month are needed. Once a week is better.
But this requires a regular supply of blog post ideas. And ideas can often be difficult to generate, especially week after week.
Business Blogging 101
You may be a small business owner functioning as your own marketing manager, or possibly a staffer who has been tasked with publishing the company blog every week or so.
Either way, you have probably discovered that, while the blog is a good idea and it can generate traffic for your website, feeding the insatiable beast with blog post articles can be challenging.
If you are engaged in creating and publishing your own blog for your company, the challenge can be frustrating at best. You are probably busy doing everything else your job calls for and now you have this blog task to keep up with on top of all that.
The Never Ending Need for More Ideas
Unless you've been provided with a pre-made list of blog topics for every week for the rest of the year, you'll have to come up with your own blog post ideas.
The good news is that you are surrounded by potential ideas - you just probably haven't noticed yet. Your employees, for fellow staff members as the case may be, all have unique skills, experience, knowledge and perspectives. A simple interview can reap dozens, if not hundreds, of ideas can be pulled from these valuable sources.
In addition, we have created this handy quick tip guide:
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Business Blogs are Essential for Inbound Marketing
There area a number of terms are used to describe what is essentially the same thing: "online marketing", "digital marketing", "social media marketing", and so on. All of them more or less mean using your website to market your business.
We prefer to use the term Inbound Marketing.
Here's why...
"Inbound marketing focuses on creating quality content that pulls people toward your company and product, where they naturally want to be. By aligning the content you publish with your customer’s interests, you naturally attract inbound traffic that you can then convert, close, and delight over time." - HubSpot
This content typically takes the form of blog posts aligned with periodic ebooks and even email campaigns. The end result is a cost-effective, multi-faceted marketing strategy that not only attracts ideal leads, but deepens the relationships with customers and clients, while positioning a company as a thought leader in its industry.
Regardless of which term you prefer to use, the approach of inbound marketing holds great promise for your business.
But achieving these objectives with your content marketing strategy takes time. It won't happen with a few blog posts or great ebook. People will need to consume your content for a while before they contact you. Yet, without your content compelling them to contact you, your goals may never be met.
Content and inbound marketing work day in and day out. Once you post a blog article or upload a Slideshare piece, it is always there, working to educate and compel people to become leads. And when they do come to you, they are educated, informed, and much more likely to make the decision to buy.
Get your free Complimentary Inbound Marketing Session to help you make an informed decision or call BroadVision Marketing at 707-799-1238.
And take a moment to download this informative resource entitled"10 Powerful Inbound Marketing Charts" to support your own marketing efforts!
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