A business blog isn't simply "blogging for dollars" and it hasn't faded away into the misty realm of digital marketing history. Business blogs still rock.
So, what does this mean for you? A quality business blog is still "a thing."
A business blog isn't simply "blogging for dollars" and it hasn't faded away into the misty realm of digital marketing history. Business blogs still rock.
So, what does this mean for you? A quality business blog is still "a thing."
Topics: Corporate blog, Business Blogging, Small business marketing strategy, business blog, blogging strategy
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Sep 29, 2021 @ 12:22 PM
[This article was first published in October 2020 and has been updated and expanded.]
A question we often hear is whether an inbound marketing strategy can work for every business model? In other words, are some businesses better served by more traditional marketing?
The truth is that almost any type of business can successfully make use of inbound content marketing. The key is in knowing your audience and demonstrating authority and expertise in your content.
Topics: inbound marketing strategy, content marketing, online marketing strategy, inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, local internet marketing, inbound content marketing
This video was part of a talk given by marketing strategist Professor Philip Kotler to the London Business Forum.
Professor Kotler begins his talk by inventing an acronym on the spot: CCDVTP.
He defines that to mean:
Create, Communicate, Deliver Value to a Target market at a Profit.
Now a business is really involved in three businesses--product management, brand management and customer management
Professor Kotler ends by saying, "This is a radical change in marketing."
For more information:
Topics: content marketing, Advertising and Marketing, Online Communities, Internet Marketing Strategy, Marketing strategy, Content Marketing Strategy, distribution channels, trust building, blogging strategy, digital marketing strategy
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Aug 30, 2021 @ 05:00 AM
Everyone says you need their product or service. We get it. But in today's digital world there really is one thing your business needs: Digital Marketing.
Whether you undertake it yourself or hire a digital marketing service, marketing your business online is a necessity for most every business.
Topics: inbound marketing, SEO, business blog, digital marketing, digital marketing strategy
Every business owner is aware of SEO and many understand how it works. But few have the time to keep up on search engine optimization trends and changes.
But maintaining visibility online and maximizing online search traffic hinges on your SEO efforts.
Topics: off page seo, SEO services, SEO strategy, best seo practices, on page SEO
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Jun 25, 2021 @ 05:00 AM
While that may seem to be a bit of an odd construct, it really does make sense. That's because content without a content strategy is ineffective at best.
One of the major failings of any content marketing effort is the lack of a cohesive strategy.
Topics: inbound marketing strategy, content marketing, content development, content creation, Content Marketing Strategy
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Sun, Jun 06, 2021 @ 09:01 AM
What do you get when you link attention with economic value creation? Attentionomics, which Steve Rubelsays is a combination of infinite content options (space) but finite attention (time). Where is Einstein when you need him?
Rubel is EVP/Global Strategy and Insights for Edelman - the world's largest independent public relations firm. He starts by looking at Twitter. They have a staggering 110 million tweets a day and it’s growing. But the problem is that each tweet decays almost as soon as it is released. There are 71% of tweets that get no response. 6% get retweeted and 23% get an @ reply. Some 92% of all retweets and 97% of replies occur within the first 60 minutes, according to Sysomos.
Topics: social media strategy, content marketing, inbound social media marketing, Social Media, social media marketing, local SEO, content distribution, attentionomics
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, May 24, 2021 @ 05:00 AM
[This article was first published in May 2021 and has been revised and expanded.]
Digital marketing isn't really an option in today's world. If your business can't be found online, your business may as well not exist.
Think that's an exaggeration or just a bit of journalistic hype? Think again. Estimates indicate that around 91.5 percent of web pages get no organic traffic from Google, indicating a widespread issue with visibility.
Topics: online marketing strategy, inbound marketing strategies, SEO strategy, digital marketing strategy, website development
What the question really brings out is the need to know how it works and why? Content marketing is not a new discipline, nor is it particularly unique. Most observers will point back to 1895 when the John Deere company first published The Furrow, a magazine for customers.
Topics: content marketing, Target Audience, analytics, infographic, content distribution
First things first: Email is not too old school for marketing. While email is now almost 50 years old it is still a powerhouse marketing tool.
And another thing, email isn't "dead" as some might like you to think. In fact, by 2022, the number of email users around the world is expected to hit 4.3 billion.
Topics: content marketing, content creation, email marketing, newsletter, email marketing strategy