As a business owner or marketer it is essential to have a great press release format at hand. Contrary to some of the nay-sayers in the marketing world, press releases are still a viable and potentially powerful tool for getting the word out.
Topics: press release format, formats for press releases, Press release template, inbound backlink strategies
Agreed: Search Engine Optimization has gotten much more difficult since Google brought the zoo to the party. Agreed: Most people do not search beyond the first page of Google results. Agreed: A business wants to be on that first page. Agreed: There are 3 pillars that a business person in charge of the internet connection needs to control at all times to get on that first page; these being content, inbound backlinks and social media. Agreed: Getting backlinks has become much harder than it used to be and considerably more labor intensive. Problem: How many ways can a business person use to get inbound backlinks?
Topics: inbound backlink strategies, inbound backlinks, backlinks, Petaluma CA, inbound marketing agency