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BroadVision Marketing Blog

Inbound Marketing Analysis and the Super Bowl

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Feb 25, 2013 @ 07:52 AM

Does the thought of analyzing your inbound marketing data make your eyes roll back in your head? I love it, but most people think of it as a necessary evil. Which camp do you fall into? I want to start by discussing inbound marketing analysis and the biggest day of the year—Super Bowl Sunday. I see that you are perking up. People watch the game almost as much for the advertisements as they do the game of the best of the best. Meanwhile, ads for the most watched sporting event in the world sell for between $3.7 and $4 million for a 30 second spot. This year it was estimated that over 110 million watched the game. I can tell you this, after creating and testing, sending out enticing trailers to YouTube and other media in efforts taking months, the ad agencies will need to come up with proof that the businesses got their money’s worth.

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Topics: Super Bowl, mobile marketing analysis, Inbound marketing agency in CA, BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA

Mobile Marketing Strategy: Where is Your Smartphone App Right Now?

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Feb 21, 2013 @ 07:56 AM

Do you know where your smartphone app is? It’s probably not where you think it is. Did you know that 68% of owners of said smartphones were most likely relaxing at home playing games or killing time? Users call this “Me Time” and there isn’t a social or mobile marketing strategy component in it. How do I know this, you ask. Why, it was in a report presented last October when Advertising Week. There in New York City Christian Kugel, Vice President of Consumer Analytics and Research at AOL and Simon Bond, CMO of BBDO Worldwide gave a presentation titled “Seven Shades of Mobile” representing the seven resulting mobile behavioral moment markets that their research revealed.

Their study showed that, while you have been spending time and money on a location-based mobile marketing strategy to get found by the on-the-go consumer, 68% of consumer mobile phone use occurs in the home, not needing geo-location from your app at all. This totally upends one of the most widely held beliefs about mobile marketing: that its main value is linked to reaching consumers on-the-move. Forget that.

These mobile interactions can be segmented into seven distinct “mobile motivations” that encompass most mobile use.  These include:

    1. Accomplish – managing activities and lifestyle to gain a sense of accomplishment
    2. Socialize - active interaction with other people
    3. Prepare – active planning in order to be prepared for upcoming activities
    4. Me Time – seeking relaxation and entertainment in order to indulge oneself or pass the time
    5. Discover - seeking news and information
    6. Shop – focusing on finding a product or service
    7. Express Myself  -participating in passions and interests
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Topics: Inbound marketing agency in CA, BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, mobile marketing strategy, smartphone

7 Internet Marketing Tips on Lead Intelligence

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Feb 18, 2013 @ 07:53 AM

Where did that prospect go? He showed some interest in something connected with your service or product, but then he drifted away. The truth is that with so many marketing tools available, your leads are showing up much earlier in the buying cycle than ever before. You might see some activity on your blog, social media or from a web search; but this might just be a case of information-gathering on the part of the prospect. Could you use some internet marketing tips on using lead intelligence so you don’t lose that lead?

By doing a little mining of the lead intelligence information you get when someone drops in, you can develop a super sales advantage. Lead intelligence is all about learning vital information about your prospect to help you close the sale. It enables you to create personalized, targeted lead nurturing campaigns geared to the needs of the prospect. Using lead intelligence you can create personalized, lead nurturing suiting your prospect’s needs.

Here are 7 internet marketing tips that will help you collect information on your quest for lead intelligence.

  1. What’s in a name? A lead’s name is one of the easiest pieces of intelligence you are able to mine. After you have her name, you can address her by name when you send out an email. You have just created a more personalized experience for your prospect. This is one of the super internet marketing tips to add to your lead nurturing campaign.
  2. Demographic lead intelligence is a must. We can’t stress demographics enough as one of the must-have internet marketing tips. You want to know your prospect’s age, gender and location. With these bits of intelligence you can get information about your prospect’s wants and needs, and how you can qualify this person up front.
  3. Is your persona on stage? Another of our internet marketing tips on lead intelligence concerns well-defined marketing personas. You need to know where your actual lead might best look for information. One persona will be looking to your website for information on your business while another has a particular question that he wants answered. You want to be sure that each different kind of lead can find you though the noise of all the other sales businesses on the internet hawking something similar to yours.
  4. What pages has your prospect viewed? By getting this piece of internet marketing lead information you can tell what stage of the sales cycle your lead is in. If your lead visits your product pages, this could mean the prospect is close to a sale and is ready for nurturing with information and content focused for that product.
  5. Let’s get sociable. What if your lead comes to one of your social media platforms? Of all our internet marketing tips, this is one not everyone takes adequate advantage of. Does your prospect get sociable or just lurk? If he leaves remarks, you can get an idea of what his problems and pain points are. You have a great chance at this point to answer back as soon as you can to nurture this prospect with content on your website that addresses his pain points.
  6. It’s free (well, almost). Has your prospect already gotten some of your free whitepapers and reports?  While he thinks they are free, he does “pay” by giving you his information. How many times has he done so? Do you know how many forms the prospect has completed and what type of business lead generation material the lead has looked at? How long has this prospect been on your site? If you can, offer a discount or coupon to those who have come to your site often. If it works for Starbucks, it can work for you.
  7. Email in good measure. Email is another of the great internet marketing tips. How much have you emailed this prospect? Is your lead a part of an email list or lead nurturing campaign? Has she clicked on any links (you should have at least 3 places per email to encourage her to do that)? Which links did your prospect click on? Be careful. This piece of lead intelligence is not an opportunity to bombard her with all kinds of campaigns and multiple email posts a day. Remember we want to nurture our prospects, not have them unsubscribe from our email.
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Topics: blog, Inbound marketing agency in CA, internet marketing tips, Jaco Grobbelaar BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, lead intelligence

"Get Smart" Goals--7 Tips to Achievement

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Feb 14, 2013 @ 07:52 AM

How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? I see you looking down at the floor. I guess you have already broken those things. What about those of you who intended to work up SMART goals? You haven’t started them yet, have you? Now that we know where we stand, let’s look at goals in another smart fashion.

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Topics: Inbound marketing agency in CA, Jaco Grobbelaar BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, SMART goals, smart goal

6 Internet Marketing Tips on Newsjacking--Hijacking the News?

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Feb 11, 2013 @ 07:38 AM

Newsjacking—love it, hate it, never heard of it? How can an internet marketing tip that has been around since 2011 when David Meeman Scott wrote Newsjacking: How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage not be a part of common marketing terminology? You need all the internet marketing tips you can get to help you publish interesting blogs. So what is newsjacking? Scott, describes it as “the process by which you inject your ideas or angles into breaking news, in real-time, in order to generate media coverage for yourself or your business.”

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Topics: blog, Inbound marketing agency in CA, internet marketing tips, Jaco Grobbelaar BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, newsjacking

Social Media--Who Benefits?

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Jan 31, 2013 @ 05:52 AM

Have you counted the number of social media networks you are on? How many computers, tablets, netbooks, laptops, smartphones, etc., do you use to connect to these social media networks? How many times have you given “permission” to access your data to those networks? Do you know how many friends, not-so-close friends and work friends you have circled, grouped and filtered?

With Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, FourSquare, SlideShare and new social media growing and changing—do you ever wonder how anyone gets anything done all day? It eats into everyone’s day in a frantic, addictive time press.  What are we doing with our time?

Cui Bono

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Topics: Inbound marketing agency in CA, Jaco Grobbelaar BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, Facebook, Social Media, LinkedIn, Twitter, social media networks, SlideShare

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