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BroadVision Marketing Blog

Affordable Internet Marketing Through Referrals

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, May 13, 2024 @ 06:09 PM

[This article was first published in May 2016 and has been updated, revised, and expanded.]

There are likely no other proven ways to create prospects that are favorable to your brand and ready to buy than through referrals. Even on the Internet.

When someone we trust recommends a product or service that we need, our natural tendency is to give that referral our first consideration. That's the innate power of referrals.

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Topics: inbound marketing, marketing site traffic, internet marketing, Social Media, affordable internet marketing, referrals, reviews, word of mouth

Why Local SEO Must Be A Part Of Your Local Marketing Plan

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Dec 23, 2016 @ 09:00 AM

Many small businesses want to show up on "page one" in an Internet search. But if your market is local, then showing up in the right places for the right audience is more important.

The reality of small business marketing is that local SEO is becoming more competitive and many small businesses are doing more in this area. All of which is raising the marketing bar. 

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Topics: local inbound marketing, internet marketing, SEO, business blog, local SEO, SEO strategy

5 Questions To Ask About Your Business Blogging Efforts

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Jul 27, 2016 @ 12:30 PM

Business blogs can be the cornerstone of a powerful Internet marketing strategy. But establishing an effective blogging strategy can be challenging.


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Topics: website traffic, Business Blogging, inbound marketing, internet marketing, Marketing strategy, business blog

Inbound Marketing: The Most Affordable Internet Marketing

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Jul 22, 2016 @ 07:11 AM

Every business owners needs to market their business. But traditional approaches using paid advertising can be expensive. Even on the Internet.

Inbound marketing offers an affordable option for small businesses. Creating and publishing content is one of the most important components of inbound marketing. And, fortunately, it also lends itself to tactics that allow business owners to engage in affordable Internet marketing strategies.

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Topics: inbound marketing strategy, content marketing, affordable internet marketing tips, inbound marketing, internet marketing, affordable internet marketing

A Sample Marketing Plan For Affordable Internet Marketing

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Nov 04, 2015 @ 12:23 PM

One of the dilemmas for many small business owners is that when it comes to marketing their businesses the options are overwhelming. A cursory search on the web for marketing tactics and strategies will bring millions of hits, thousands of sites, and far too many tactics to effectively sift through.

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Topics: Marketing Plan, internet marketing, affordable internet marketing

Affordable Internet Marketing: Is It Real And Can You Do It?

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Sep 09, 2015 @ 12:30 PM

For some business owners the idea of affordable Internet marketing seems deceptive. Sure, they know that much of what can be done online is free. And they know that marketing on the Internet is no longer an option for pretty much any business. But they have also been burned far too many times to really believe that idea any longer. 

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Topics: content marketing, inbound marketing, local inbound marketing agency, internet marketing, affordable internet marketing

Warning--Don't Lose Money; Use Social Internet Marketing

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Jul 29, 2013 @ 07:56 AM

20 Years. That’s how long it has taken for our entire definition of what the global market is to change completely. 20 years ago, the world was greeted with something that had only existed in science fiction; a means of communicating with anyone in the world through a rich, graphical interface. The internet, while existing since the 1960’s, really came into home use around 1992. Even with this amazing tool at our fingertips, it still took many years for businesses to realize what a powerful medium it was for reaching a huge percentage of the public. And social internet marketing was born.

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Topics: Petaluma CA, inbound marketing agency, internet marketing

[Infographic]Internet Marketing: Avoid 11 Website Conversion Killers

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Jul 11, 2013 @ 07:56 AM

Website conversion killers? Really? Okay, so you have done a great job creating your website, you’ve optimized it, creating all sorts of learning devices like infographics, video, free reports and super blog articles. You are getting traffic and you have moved up in Google Search Engine Land, but something isn’t right. In fact something is really wrong. The visitors come onto your site and hop off faster than fleas coming in contact with flea prevention medicine. What?

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Topics: conversion, Petaluma CA, inbound marketing agency, internet marketing

3 Important LinkedIn Internet Marketing Tips

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Jul 08, 2013 @ 07:56 AM

LinkedIn—you know what you use it for personally, but do you know the best ways to use LinkedIn for your business? Or are you letting one of the best business social media platforms pass you by? You need to purposely set time daily for LinkedIn and you are going to be amazed at what you can do. Yes, even though it is only in fourth place behind Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, LinkedIn is for serious business people. They want the social element, but they want it more focused with people who are passionate about their professions.

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Topics: Best LinkedIn Tips, Petaluma CA, inbound marketing agency, internet marketing

Inbound Marketing: Workflows and Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Jul 04, 2013 @ 07:55 AM

Workflows have many functions. One is to keep all members of your team aware of what is supposed to be going on while getting feedback that can be seen by all members at the same time. A Workflow can also be an automated system that you can trigger to occur based on a a prospect's behaviors or contact information. A third kind of Workflow yet is the one where a presentation is pre-created (see our infographic). We can see then that there are several directions Workflows can go--internally within the organization, externally to and from a prospective client or as a tool to help in a pre-creation. As a member of Hubspot, we spend a lot of time talking about the latter, but for those of you who haven't joined Hubspot, yet, we are going to introduce you to Workflows as an internal organ first. (The infographic below is one that we created using infographic creation tools from a previous article we wrote.)--Jaco

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Topics: Petaluma CA, inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, internet marketing, Workflows

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