Recently I read an interesting discussion on LinkedIn based on a question from Stacia Rubinovich: “What/who would you recommend for a "crash course" in social media marketing?
How do you learn about social media marketing?
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Jun 25, 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Topics: Social Media Managing, Social Media, social media marketing
Topics: Passwords, Social Media
Today's marketing news comes from three completely different sources, but each has a good suggestion. Harvard Business review asks companies to decide what the point of their company is. After all, how can you brand and market a company without this information.
Manta, whose mini-articles are emailed to me daily suggested you check out to see how to use your branding, after you have a clue about the point of your company.
Topics: Marketing News, Jaco Grobbelaar BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, Social Media, Marketing Principles
Topics: Media Marketing Strategy, Jaco Grobbelaar BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, Marketing Plan, BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, Social Media
Creating the Marketing Action Plan -- Marketing Ball Final Step
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaa on Wed, May 16, 2012 @ 03:11 AM
by Robert Middleton, owner of Action Plan Marketing and Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing
Even after you've developed the foundation of your marketing, which includes understanding the game, maintaining the ideal marketing mindset, creating a powerful marketing message, materials, and strategies, you have one more important step towards marketing success.
And this step is creating a marketing action plan. You might think of this as a marketing blueprint, much like an architectural blueprint. This action plan is your step-by-step guide in implementing your marketing strategies.
Topics: Social Media
Developing Persuasive Marketing Materials -- 5th Rule of Marketing Ball
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, May 10, 2012 @ 03:36 AM
What's persuasive? Many think of overly exaggerated hyperbole. But that's not the case. Good marketing information educates your prospect about how your services will benefit them.
Marketing materials are what come after your main marketing message. Once you have someone's attention and interest, you need to provide enough information so that they will know if you can help them or not.
Marketing materials, such as a Web site, brochure or presentation also employ marketing syntax. They open with a discussion of the target market, continue with an overview of the prospect's situation and challenges and then discuss desired outcomes and solutions.
Topics: Social Media
Marketing is a Game -- 1st Rule of Marketing Ball
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaa on Sun, Apr 29, 2012 @ 08:17 PM
by Robert Middleton, owner of Action Plan Marketing and Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing
Master these Seven Principles and you'll grow your business. We will be covering them one at a time over this series of blogs.
If you are going to attract more clients to your professional service business, you must market those services. But you can't market haphazardly and expect consistent results. You must market according to proven principles. This article outlines those principles and gives you the keys to growing your business with less struggle and effort.
Topics: BroadVision Marketing, Petaluma CA, Marketing Plan, marketing ball game, Social Media
How to Play and Win at the Game of Marketing Ball
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Tue, Apr 24, 2012 @ 08:05 PM
by Robert Middleton, owner of Action Plan Marketing and Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing
Not many business owners see marketing as a game. They see it as a struggle. But it’s only a struggle because they are unaware of the rules of the game and how to win the game.
Let’s look at a game most people are familiar with: baseball. In baseball there are four main activities: throwing the ball, catching the ball, hitting the ball and running. Pretty simple. If you took a person who was highly proficient at these four activities, but didn’t know the rules of baseball, and had him join a baseball team, he would struggle for some time. Until he figured out the rules of the game, baseball would be mysterious and perplexing.
Topics: Social Media, Marketing Principles
Guest blog by Ann Mullen for BroadVision Marketing
I don’t like math. OK, so I had fun with it in college, but I have a reputation to uphold. For that reason I have run from any references to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and algorithms, which I think means mathematical formulas. It didn’t help that I kept reading that the algorithms shifted around worse than the sands of the Sahara. If 2 +2= 4 on one day and then totaled 16 on the next day, I didn’t want to have anything to do with SEO.
There is another aspect of SEO that has made me shy away from it-- keyword stuffing. I had this idea that you had to put certain words in your title, throughout your blog article, in your author endnote, all over your website and probably pasted to your actual body, for all I knew, to get the attention of search engines. I prefer writing for people to writing for search engines, which aren’t really engines at all, but are really zeroes and ones in computer talk.
Topics: Social Media