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BroadVision Marketing Blog

3 Reasons Why Content Marketing Works

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Sep 27, 2024 @ 05:00 AM

[This article was originally published in February 2024 and has been updated and revised.]

Content marketing has been a powerful force in the realm of digital marketing for decades. And today it is more effective than ever before.

Digital marketing incorporates a wide variety of tactics and strategies, but content marketing is not only a mainstay strategy, it is the core component of successful digital marketing practices.

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Topics: Online Communities, complimentary Marketing Strategy Session, Internet Marketing Strategy, Social Media, Marketing strategy, Content Marketing Strategy, content distribution, distribution channels, trust building, blogging strategy, short form video

Content Marketing And Nonprofits: A Great Combination

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Aug 28, 2024 @ 01:29 PM

[This article was last published in October 2023 and has been expanded and revised.]

Content marketing for nonprofits is highly effective. As nonprofits still have to "market" their message, a nonprofit content marketing strategy is key. 

For some, the terms "marketing" and nonprofit organizations seem contradictory and somehow crass. But, at its core, marketing is simply promoting what you have to offer. And most nonprofits have much to offer!

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Topics: Online Communities, Social Media, Content Marketing Strategy, content distribution, distribution channels, trust building, blogging strategy, short form video, nonprofits

A Winning Business Blogging Strategy

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Jun 21, 2024 @ 04:45 PM

[This article first appeared here in August 2020 and has been updated and revised for 2024.]

Let's just say it right at the start: Blogging can be a powerful marketing tactic.

However, the truth is far more than that because business blogging is far more than a tactic. It's actually a strategic communication channel for your brand.

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Topics: inbound marketing strategy, Business Blogging, online marketing strategy, local internet marketing, blogging strategy

5 Tips For Driving Traffic With Blogs

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Tue, Feb 20, 2024 @ 05:00 AM

[This article was first published here in February 2021 and has been revised and updated.]

Almost every business has a website. And websites are critical for driving traffic and for the marketing functions of most businesses. Especially the website's blog.

Unfortunately, there is constant pressure on business owners and their marketing staff to get their website seen by more people. But just how to make that happen predictably?

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Topics: website traffic, business blog, blogging strategy, blog post tips, driving traffic, authority content

How To Optimize Your Blog Posts For Local Traffic

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Dec 20, 2023 @ 09:57 AM


[This article was previously published in November 2022 and has been expanded and updated.]

Depending on your view of business blogs, they can be a literary exercise to showcase your brand, or a mercenary SEO tactic for driving traffic to your site

The truth is that it's a bit of both. And both are necessary for optimizing your blog posts for local traffic. 

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Topics: local inbound marketing strategy, Business Blogging, local internet marketing, local SEO, affordable local seo, blogging strategy, blog post optimization, AI, LLM

3 Tips To Better Business Blogging

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Sep 15, 2023 @ 05:00 AM

[This article first appeared here in June 2018 and has been updated and revised to reflect changes and trends that have occurred since.] 

If your business website hosts consistently published blog articles, then you are far ahead of many of your competitors. And it can only get better.

If you're a business owner struggling to maintain a business blog on your website, or an employee that has been tasked with this chore, you already know it can be just that: a chore.

But, the truth is that we can often over-complicate the process and the work required.

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Topics: business blogs, content marketing, Corporate blog, Business Blogging, inbound marketing, SEO, business blog, SERP, blogging strategy

Pillar Pages: A Content Marketing Powerhouse

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Aug 14, 2023 @ 05:00 AM

[This article was originally published in July 2022 and has been expanded and revised.]

There are few tactics for content marketing strategy a powerful today as the use of pillar pages for high-performing content on your site.

But knowing what makes for a quality pillar page and how to implement this power content tactic into your brand's marketing strategy can be challenging.

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Topics: content marketing, website traffic, Content Marketing Strategy, blogging strategy, pillar page, authority content

5 Steps For Creating A Powerful Inbound Marketing Blog

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Apr 28, 2023 @ 10:28 AM


Blogs have been around for almost 30 years and the first business blogs started in the early 2000s. And today they serve as critical components of inbound marketing strategies.

Some blogs exist to provide a forum for a business owner while others are published with the primary goal of driving traffic to the website. In other words, as an inbound marketing tactic.

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Topics: business blogs, inbound marketing strategy, Corporate blog, Business Blogging, blogging strategy, blog post tips, inbound marketing blog

Inbound Marketing Services and Your Blog

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Mar 24, 2023 @ 05:00 AM


[This article was originally published in October 2015 and has been updated and expanded.]

For many business owners, handing over some or all of their marketing functions can be a relief. And this is especially true with inbound marketing services and your blog.

However, if you're a small business looking to engage a reputable inbound marketing service, your concerns regarding cost-effectiveness and efficiency can be very real. Not to mention any concerns about whether this "inbound marketing" thing really works?

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Topics: business blogs, Corporate blog, Business Blogging, Professional Services Provider, inbound marketing, local inbound marketing agency, business blog, blogging strategy, inbound marketing services

3 Main Reasons Your Business Needs Digital Marketing

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Oct 19, 2022 @ 01:46 PM

Everyone says you need their product or service. We get it. But in today's digital world there really is one thing your business needs: Digital Marketing.

Whether you undertake it yourself or hire a digital marketing service, marketing your business online is a necessity for most every business.


So, What Is Digital Marketing Exactly?

Every business needs to be seen and heard.

One of the most fundamental and basic requirements for any commercial endeavor, be that a simple lemonade stand or a multi-national services enterprise, is attention. Potential customers or clients must take notice of you.

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?”

One could reasonably ask, "If you have a business and no one knows, does it exist?"  

In the days prior to April 30, 1993, there was no Internet, no World Wide Web, no marketing "online" as we often refer to it today. There was only advertising, public relations, and publicity. And word of mouth, of course.

Without any of these platforms promoting the existence of your business, it would not exist for all practical purposes.

Today is no different.

Almost everyone goes to the Internet - usually with their cell phones - to search, to shop, and to find businesses. If your business is never seen online then it may as well not exist. Which is why digital marketing is so essential to your business.

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Topics: Online Communities, complimentary Marketing Strategy Session, Internet Marketing Strategy, Social Media, Marketing strategy, Content Marketing Strategy, content distribution, distribution channels, trust building, blogging strategy, short form video

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