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BroadVision Marketing Blog

A Winning Business Blogging Strategy

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Jun 21, 2024 @ 04:45 PM

[This article first appeared here in August 2020 and has been updated and revised for 2024.]

Let's just say it right at the start: Blogging can be a powerful marketing tactic.

However, the truth is far more than that because business blogging is far more than a tactic. It's actually a strategic communication channel for your brand.

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Topics: inbound marketing strategy, Business Blogging, online marketing strategy, local internet marketing, blogging strategy

Is Inbound Marketing Right For Your Business?

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Tue, Apr 18, 2023 @ 05:00 AM

[This article was first published in October 2020 and has been updated and expanded.]

A question we often hear is whether an inbound marketing strategy can work for every business model? In other words, are some businesses better served by more traditional marketing?

The truth is that almost any type of business can successfully make use of inbound content marketing. The key is in knowing your audience and demonstrating authority and expertise in your content. 

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Topics: inbound marketing strategy, content marketing, online marketing strategy, inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, local internet marketing, inbound content marketing

Is Inbound Marketing Right For Your Business?

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Sep 29, 2021 @ 12:22 PM

[This article was first published in October 2020 and has been updated and expanded.]

A question we often hear is whether an inbound marketing strategy can work for every business model? In other words, are some businesses better served by more traditional marketing?

The truth is that almost any type of business can successfully make use of inbound content marketing. The key is in knowing your audience and demonstrating authority and expertise in your content. 

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Topics: inbound marketing strategy, content marketing, online marketing strategy, inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, local internet marketing, inbound content marketing

3 Fundamentals Of An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, May 24, 2021 @ 05:00 AM

[This article was first published in May 2021 and has been revised and expanded.]

Digital marketing isn't really an option in today's world. If your business can't be found online, your business may as well not exist.

Think that's an exaggeration or just a bit of journalistic hype? Think again. Estimates indicate that around 91.5 percent of web pages get no organic traffic from Google, indicating a widespread issue with visibility. 

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Topics: online marketing strategy, inbound marketing strategies, SEO strategy, digital marketing strategy, website development

4 Marketing Experts Reveal the Best Ways to Reach Your Target Audience

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Apr 09, 2021 @ 09:36 AM

Recently BroadVision Marketing Founder and CMO, Jaco Grobbelaar, participated in a webcast with Don Seckler from Peak Inbound Marketing, Julbert Abraham from AGM, Chris Vaglic from Rocket Growth, and Justin McAleece from BLARE Media.

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Topics: Media Marketing Strategy, online marketing strategy

COVID-19 And It's Impact On Inbound Marketing

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Nov 23, 2020 @ 05:00 AM


It is a bit ironic that a physical virus can affect the digital realm, but the impact of COVID-19 on marketing - and inbound marketing in particular - is real.

With the massive social and economic disruption brought about by the coronavirus and the various government responses to it, marketing strategies and emphasis have shifted. And this includes inbound marketing.

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Topics: inbound marketing strategy, online marketing strategy, marketing strategies, inbound marketing local, local seo marketing, COVID-19

SEO, Small Business, And Blogging

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Jul 20, 2020 @ 01:34 PM

You've probably heard it before, but one of the constants of SEO, online marketing, and blogging strategies is that they change. So, what still matters?



The short answer is, "It all still matters." The longer answer is, well, longer.

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Topics: Business Blogging, Small business marketing strategy, online marketing strategy, SEO strategy, blogging strategy

Pay-Per-Click And Inbound Marketing: Different But Compatible?

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Aug 07, 2017 @ 08:53 PM

Many marketers using inbound marketing still feel there is no place for Pay-per-Click (PPC) in their strategy. But could that be a bit short-sighted?


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Topics: Google Search, online marketing strategy, inbound marketing, pay-per-click, search enging marketing, PPC

5 Vital Reasons Your Business Needs Video Marketing

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, May 24, 2017 @ 09:33 AM

Many businesses feel that video is either too expensive or simply not that effective. Not only is this not true, there are great reasons for video marketing! 

[This guest post was provided by Chris Hinchly, SEO Technician with Pinnacle Internet Marketing Ltd based in Cardiff, UK.]

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Topics: Video Marketing, online marketing strategy, video, mobile marketing strategy, Content Marketing Strategy, mobile search

Content Marketing Is The Driving Force Of Inbound Marketing

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Wed, Feb 22, 2017 @ 09:00 AM

Content marketing is an effective means for driving traffic and generating leads. Content marketing as a foundation for an inbound marketing strategy is even better.

[Parts of this article were originally published in a different format in July 2016.]

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Topics: content marketing, online marketing strategy, inbound marketing, content creation, Marketing strategy

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