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BroadVision Marketing Blog

How to Determine the Best Number of Times to Contact Your Leads

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Sun, Jul 17, 2011 @ 08:51 PM

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How often should you contact your leads in order to stay in touch with them? You don't want to either suffocate them with too much information or have them forget about you between long periods where you don’t even cross their minds.

In order to successfully ‘Stay in Touch’ with your leads you have to get the timing of your communications right. This is going to be different depending on your company, but as a general rule, you shouldn’t contact your leads more than once a week and less than once a month.

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Topics: Marketing Plan, Social Media, Marketing Principles

Nurture Your Leads to Increase Your Sales

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 @ 08:08 PM

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Social media marketing has demonstrated that the way to find and keep your leads is to nurture them. This is done through building relationships with them whether they are ready to buy or not. Your intention should be to earn their business when they are ready. Building a relationship with your leads is the same as building any kind of relationship. You can’t force someone to make a commitment whether it’s to purchase or go out with you. However, you don’t want to lose those individuals just because their willingness to buy doesn’t match your readiness to sell.

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Topics: Social Media, Marketing Principles

How to track QR codes in Google Analytics

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Fri, Jul 08, 2011 @ 12:05 AM

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="210" caption="A giant QR Code"] [/caption]

Guest Blogger Tim Zack

So you want to use QR codes but you’re not sure how to track them in Google Analytics. There are four steps to getting the URLs ready and generating the QR codes that will be ready for tracking using Google Analytics campaign tracking.

    1. Plan your campaign

    1. Use Google Campaign Builder to build unique URLs for each channel

    1. Use your favorite URL Shortener to shorten the link

    1. Generate the QR Code

Below are more details about each step of the process as well as links to some powerful tools for getting the job done.

1. Plan your campaign

Planning how you want to track the campaign is the key to making the work you will do to build the trackable QR codes worth while in the end. There would be nothing worse than for you to go to the analytics after the QR codes are in market and wish that you could segment a different way.

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Topics: URL, Marketing Plan, Social Media

What to Do With QR Codes

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaa on Tue, Jul 05, 2011 @ 11:29 PM

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As QR codes become more common you are going to see them used in many creative ways.  I just started looking for them, using them and I am fascinated.

Here is a list of some of the ways you might want to use them for your business.

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Topics: Marketing and Advertising, Uniform Resource Locator, Advertising and Marketing, Mobile phone, Business card, QR Code, Quick Response Code, Barcode, mobile marketing, Social Media, smartphone

QR Codes—A Paper-based Hyperlink

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Jul 04, 2011 @ 08:28 PM

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You look at this thing and you think, “What in the world is that?” It’s not a crossword puzzle, a bar code doing drugs or postage stamp designed by someone on a hallucinogen. So what is it?

It’s that strange thing called a QR, or Quick Response, code. You have seen them in this blog, in magazines, in stores an even on T-shirts. They have grown in popularity because so many people are purchasing smart phones.

The idea was invented by a Japanese company named DENSO Corp., which is a subsidy of Toyota way back in 1994. Japanese have been using it for years, but only recently has it become popular in the United States.

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Topics: Marketing Plan, Social Media

Landing Page Management Processes (3)

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaa on Thu, Jun 30, 2011 @ 11:23 PM

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A military tactical model can help you optimize your landing page. Your landing page itself is the very tactical initiative on the front line, but it needs to be directed by higher level strategies made up of useful intelligence and market learning from the battlefield. Since the point of your landing page is conversion and sales, you need to examine not just your landing page per se, but a pyramid of seven successive levels that will bring you the win.

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Topics: marketing, Marketing and Advertising, landing page, Google, Conversion rate, Landing page optimization, Optimization, Facebook, Social Media, Marketing Principles, Business

Beyond Traditional Landing Page Optimization (2)

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Tue, Jun 28, 2011 @ 09:22 PM

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How is your landing page? Does it lead to conversions and sales? The whole point of your online presence is to close the deal. Your landing page, if properly optimized, is often the first impression a potential client has of your business. It is not enough to have the elements optimized or to have the page the best it could be. Your battlefield mission is to study your landing page marketing on a pyramid of seven successive levels where element and page optimizations are at the very bottom.

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Topics: Social Media, Marketing Principles

Optimizing Traditional Landing Pages (1)

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaa on Mon, Jun 27, 2011 @ 02:22 AM

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You have a business or a service. What is the ultimate goal of your website? It’s not to get people to look at it and think you have created a cool landing page. You want to sell them your product or service. To make the sale you want to convert the lookers into customers. This is where the landing page makes a difference. Today your business depends on how well you create your online marketing program and the effectiveness of your landing page.  You want that page optimized.

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Topics: marketing, Marketing and Advertising, landing page, Conversion rate, Landing page optimization, Optimization (mathematics), Marketing Plan, internet marketing, Social Media, Marketing Principles, Business

4 Insights to Marketing Success

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaa on Thu, Jun 23, 2011 @ 09:14 PM

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A cook starts with a recipe. A tourist starts with a map. An architect starts with a plan. So why do many small business owners think they can run their business without a  marketing plan?

To many small business owners, marketing means advertising - which means big bucks. And yes, some sorts of advertising are costly, but marketing also includes lots of less costly ways to engage prospective customers. With some research, planning, preparation and execution, business owners can be successful with marketing without spending enormous amounts of their budget on advertising.

Do be sure and include some marketing in your budget, but it doesn’t need to be a high ticket item. A word of warning: as you look at what your competition is doing, remember that it might not work for you. Don’t copy them or customers might mistake you for them.

Here in brief are four main insights that can lead to marketing success:

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Topics: marketing, Small business, YouTube, Marketing Plan, Facebook, Social Media, Marketing Principles, LinkedIn, Twitter

Call to Action Starts Conversion

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Tue, Jun 21, 2011 @ 11:10 PM

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You may have been in business all your life, but haven't looked into social media? Meanwhile requests from your clients (or your kids)are forcing you into the 21st Century whether you want to or not. Does the social media terminology turn you to jelly or send you reaching into the liquor closet or the chocolate box or both?

Actually this is so new that it’s just as new to the young entrepreneur as well.


Let’s just look at some of the current terms and see if we can’t turn them into plain language.

All businesses selling products or services are familiar with the term marketing budget.”This means a plan to organize and allocate future funding of business functions. If you only have money for a mini-compact car, you are not going to go look at limousines. Right?

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Topics: Social Media, Marketing Principles

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