Do You Have What It Takes for Inbound Marketing?
By now you have probably recognized the value of having prospective customers and clients find your business by searchin …
3 Reasons to Have a Business Blog
A business blog might seem to be a no-brainer for most marketers and business owners. But beyond the fact that every com …
Inbound Marketing Analysis and the Super Bowl 2014
I wrote an article about inbound marketing analysis and the Super Bowl last year that works just as well for this year's …
Inbound Marketing Tip: Use Facebook Advertising
I was thinking about the social media inbound marketing strategy of Facebook advertising and how to use it to get leads …
Local Inbound Marketing Tip: The Secret Ingredient of Social Sharing
Did you think that you could just use social media to launch contests, promotions and branding campaigns on Facebook, Tw …
{Infographic}InboundMarketing: When to Post in the Social Media World
How do you stay popular in the most inbound part of local inbound marketing—knowing when to post to social media platfor …
Internet Marketing Tip #3: Social Media in Demand Generation Strategy
Any business person not using social media to create awareness in his company’s products or services is not taking advan …
Social Media Strategy: The Triumverate, A Sales Tool, Social Search
Do you feel like you want to scream when you think about another article on how to create a social media strategy? Sarah …
Social Media--Who Benefits?
Have you counted the number of social media networks you are on? How many computers, tablets, netbooks, laptops, smartph …
Another Kind of Marketing Mix
Do you know that there is another entirely different kind of marketing mix? We have covered the 4 Ps, two sets of 7 Ps, …