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BroadVision Marketing Blog

Four points for business blogging along consistently

Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Tue, Feb 14, 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Blogging is an act that is best repeated often.  Regular blogging is what gets you views, followers, comments and ultimately customers. Do you wonder why your favorite television shows come on weekly instead of monthly? How likely are you to remember that you even like a show you only see once a month? Likewise blogging should be done at a minimum of once a week. More is better.  I blog on this site three times a week.


Consistency is not just about time a week. There are other things involved.

    • In order to have a regular readership stay on topic.  If you are selling household cleaning products, you would probably use readers if you started writing about selling flowers. However, if you wrote about cleaning floors, ovens or some other information about cleaning house, you’d be right on the topic.

    • Blogging should become a good habit you develop. At first you might have trouble thinking up content, but practice is the key to learning what your clients want to know.  You can tell from the responses you get to different articles. So they are more interested in varied uses for a product than in the content. Now you know. As you start to identify what they are interested in you will find it easier and easier to create the appropriate content and it will take you less time to do so. You might also have a regular writing schedule.

    • Here is a challenge for new bloggers.  To build toward the launch of your blog, write 30 posts in 30 days. After that you can slow down to once a week or more. These don’t have to be the best blogs in the world. You can save your great stuff for later. If you do write something you consider great, you can schedule it to appear at a later date.

    • And then there is the no-no. Do not stop. How do you feel when your favorite show goes on a break or goes totally off the air? Right. People who are used to reading your blog after a year or so, feel the same if you just abruptly quit. They wonder if your company has closed or if you have quit, retired or died.

If you want to grow your business you need to write consistently, learn to write what your clients need to read and don’t just be a quitter.

What blogs have you spent time reading? Have you ever had one just disappear on you? What did you think?

Jaco Grobbelaar, owner of BroadVision Marketing, helps business owners and business professionals put marketing strategies in place that consistently secure new clients. He can be reached at jaco@broadvisionmarketing.com or 707.799.1238. You can “Like” him at www.facebook.com/broadvisionmarketing or connect with him on www.linkedin.com/in/JacoGrobbelaar.

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