How do you create superpowerful infographics to launch your local inbound marketing campaign? It’s been a little while since I talked about infographics, which you know I have a fondness for. I also have a fondness for superpowers because I have discovered that as we get older, we develop new superpowers. When you put those infographics together with superpowers, you get something awesome.
[Infographic] Local Inbound Marketing Advice: Infographic Superpowers
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Dec 12, 2013 @ 07:55 AM
Topics: Petaluma CA, inbound marketing agency, local internet marketing, local inbound marketing, content creation, infographic, infographics
Infographics offer an opportunity to present complex information in a visual format that's fun and easy to understand. Because nearly any content can be made into an engaging inbound marketing infographic, they are becoming increasingly popular in online marketing. Brett Kaepernick says in an article written March 2013 “4 Effective Ways to Use Infographics as Inbound Marketing Content” that “Infographics are one of the most popular ways to engage prospects, primarily because they make information simple to understand and, at the same time, provide added dimension. Infographics use copy and visuals – typically icons – to tell a complex story.”
Topics: BroadVision Marketing, Petaluma CA, inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, infographics