[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="166" caption="Landing page structure"]
Have you been in business all your life, but are new to
social media? Have requests from your clients (or your kids) forced you into the 21
st Century kicking and screaming? Does the terminology turn you to jelly or send you reaching into the liquor closet or the chocolate box or both?
Believe it or not much of this is so new that its just as new to the young entrepreneur as well.
Lets just look at some of the current terms and see if we cant turn them into
plain language.
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Marketing and Advertising,
landing page,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
What is the mobile web? I have never heard this term before I found an article about it. The mobile web is the next step in computing. There are expected to be more
smart phones sold this year than computers. Vendors need to gear up to use the mobile web to sell their products.
Knotice has produced an elegant whitepaper talking about how vendors can use the power of the mobile web. Over the next decade, the mobile Web will be a key conduit for your customer relationships, and foundational to your overall mobile strategy, the introduction says. The key for businesses? Using the mobile web in a purposeful and relevant manner to better serve
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Uniform Resource Locator,
QR Code,
Mobile Web,
mobile marketing,
Social Media,
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="216" caption="Groupon logo"]
A few months ago I tried an experiment to increase the fan count of one of my clients. We decided to run a simple contest with a
gift card as the prize. The client’s fan count quadrupled. Promotions are one of the oldest kinds of
advertising because they play on people’s competitive natures. People love to win! Social media is exploding because it harnesses people’s need for interaction. By connecting your brand with competitive events that allow your customers to display their talents and opinions is a super way to grow your
Facebook fan page.
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Social Media,
Marketing Principles
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Like Button"]
fan page owners are in the business of selling both their goods/services and proving they are getting their Facebook visited by the number of
Likes they receive. In this regard a Like is a vote and a way to measure the effectiveness of the site.
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Using Different Media,
Online Communities,
Like button,
Social Media,
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="266" caption="Facebook"]
Facebook is making it easier for a person to let his friends know what he likes by doing away with the choices to “Share” and to “Recommend”. In the past a person had to make a decision to do one of those three things, which caused confusion. I read it as I can “Like” a site and in doing so I was telling the site that I liked it, period. Sharing meant that I wanted to tell others about the site in more detail. Recommending was like waving a flag to my friends that this was something important.
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Social Media
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="220" caption="Twitter"]
What do you get when you link attention with economic value creation? Attentionomics, which Steve
Rubel says is a combination of infinite
content options (space) but finite attention (time). Where is
Einstein when you need him?
Rubel is EVP/Global Strategy and Insights for
Edelman - the world's largest independent public relations firm. He starts by looking at
Twitter. They have a staggering 110 million tweets a day and it’s growing. But the problem is that
each tweet decays almost as soon as it is released. There are 71% of tweets that get no response. 6% get retweeted and 23% get an @ reply. Some 92% of all retweets and 97% of replies occur within the first 60 minutes, according to
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Marketing Syntax,
Social Media
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="SUBWAY"]
How many of you have tried your hand in social media by launching contests, promotions and branding campaigns on
Twitter, and
YouTube? OK, raise your hands. If it worked for you, keep your hands up. Oops.
I have a clue for you. Social is not the same as sharing.
You have to identify your key influences and motivate them to share with their friends or you are missing the main idea.
Social content works best when people share it.
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Using Different Media,
Uniform Resource Locator,
Meteor Solutions,
super influencers,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Original Starbucks"]
How many of you have tried your hand in social media by launching contests, promotions and branding campaigns on
Twitter, and
YouTube? OK, raise your hands. If it worked for you, keep your hands up. Oops.
I have a clue for you. Social is not the same as
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Using Different Media,
Social network,
super influencers,
Social Media,
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="168" caption="Which is your favorite?"]
A few years ago I was in a seventh grade classroom where the students were studying the American West in the 1800s. A man dressed in chaps, boots and a 10-gallon hat brought his rope and a
branding iron into his story. That was the first time I connected my marketing concept of branding with an earlier model.
I also realized that there is a difference between branding (an act) and a
brand (an object). A company can have great branding, a great name, slogan, color scheme, but still not have a great brand. Likewise some companies don’t have good names, may have ugly colors and horrible slogans, but they have great brands. The brand does a great job of communicating what this business does well.
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Social Media,
Marketing Principles