There is a lot of noise in this world as we all sell our wares on Main Street of the Internet as well as at our brick and mortar establishments. We don’t have the perfect item for just anyone. Some of us sell clothing and others of us are dentists, with many subgroups within each group. A heart surgeon is not the right match for a mother with a two-year old who has a splinter, although he could do the work.
For businesses and customers to make the right match in the old days, businesses bought newspaper ads, which as often as not ended up at the bottom of the bird cage. If a business had enough money, it could sell a commercial on television and go into homes on the three broadcast channels, while most people were discovering or only using cable, except for the evening news.
There are people who miss those days and others who are exploring our brave new world, which is constantly renewing and remaking itself.
The tips I have given to any of you who want to do social media yourself are what are considered white hat SEO strategies. I would never give you any of the black hat ones, because they are very unethical.
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Social Media,
Marketing Principles
We have been working on the idea of doing your social media work yourself. I have been telling you uncompromising truths about the process of successfully marketing yourself. These things are what marketing companies like BroadVision Marketing do for companies who dont have the time, the resources or the desire to do-it-yourself.
The last blog I wrote we were talking about a simple system to tell if you are moving into a better ranking. We decided to use the Alexa number system, which for all its faults does provide a simple measurement of motion.
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Using Different Media,
Uniform Resource Locator,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
Jaco Grobbelaar,
I thought I was finished with the idea of do it yourself social media work, but apparently I am not. There are some other things that you need to know to find yourself on the top page of many search engines.
Last week we totaled up the amount of time you could take doing social media marketing, without LinkedIn and some other places. We saw how you could spend over half of a 40-hour work week. If you were worth $30 an hour, it would have cost you $2888.00 a month to pay yourself. Your time and your worth are your value added when you do it yourself.
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BroadVision Marketing,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
Jaco Grobbelaar,
social media marketing,
I am going to go deep now into the world of Business Social Media Managing for those of you who want to do it yourself.
We have already decided that to write 3 business blogs a week will take approximately 6 hours of your time for a monthly total of 24 hours. Hypothetically speaking if your time is worth $30 an hour, blogging for yourself could cost you $720 a month.
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Using Different Media,
Chamber of Commerce,
National Association of Realtors,
Sun Tzu,
BroadVision Marketing,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
Jaco Grobbelaar,
I am still on a kick about what it really costs to work on your social media marketing. We are assuming right here that you are going to do all the work on your social media yourself rather than have someone in your office or having an external marketing firm do this for you.
We have determined that writing your blog yourself, if you are worth $30 an hour, is going to cost you $720 a month with a time cost of around 24 hours.
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Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
social media marketing,
Have you ever gone fishing and taken several poles? Business blogging and other platforms like Facebook and Twitter are like having several poles in the water to hook a client into coming to your website and using your products or services. These platforms are not hard sell platforms. People wont come visit you if all you do is bombard them with why they need your product or service. They want to learn something or be entertained. What you tell them is the bait on your hook.
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Using Different Media,
BroadVision Marketing,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
Jaco Grobbelaar,
Marketing strategy
A business blog is the anchor to which all your other social media platforms are tied. Its your blog that goes on your Facebook Fan Page and you tweet about. These in turn get passed around by others who in turn come to your website to read that blog. Furthermore when the search engines are aware of the information in your blog, strangers will search for some keywords and find themselves on your business blog. Thats powerful stuff.
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Corporate blog,
Business Blogging,
Search Engine Optimization,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
Business blogging is a powerful low-cost marketing tool when you look at all the other marketing tools available. Its power is in the fact that you are writing about what you know. While it takes time, your knowledge is the value added if you have taken the time to learn how to use blogging properly. There is a big caveat here. Do not expect your blog to get you instant clients, customers or even readers. Expect little and you will be surprised when things work out. Expect instant success and you will be disappointed.
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Web search engine,
Business Blogging,
BroadVision Marketing,
Search Engine Optimization,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
Jaco Grobbelaar,
Marketing strategy
Please raise your hands if you completely understand SEO. OK, you over there, you can put your hand down now. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process or set of processes that improve the visibility of your website using the search engines. The bottom line is that when someone searches for what they are looking for using one of the multitude of search engines, like Google, you want your website to be one of the top ones they see.
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Social Media,
Marketing Principles
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Being Social"]
Do you see yourself as Mr. or Ms. Business Blogger, along the same lines as the Cherry Ames, Companion Nurse stories by Helen Wells? Writing a business blog is a good step in the right direction, but if no one reads your blog, you have just wasted a lot of time.
How do you get that great article you wrote out there? Blogging and social networking are both parts of the same strategy. You have to go out and promote your blog by being social. There are many different ways you can use to get your word out. We are just going to look at four.
- Twitter is a quick way to let people know that you are in business and that you have a live website, as opposed to one that is static where nothing new is ever going on. You can tweet about your new post in such a way that people will be interested in reading about it. Remember that no one wants to be sold on social network. They do want to learn things and be entertained. If you are offering information, make that obvious in your tweet. Oh yes, its a good idea to put out around 10 tweets on various subjects a day and then spend some time actually on Twitter to show that you are a real person.
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Using Different Media,
Corporate blog,
Social network,
Helen Wells,
BroadVision Marketing,
Social Media,
Marketing Principles,
Business Owner,
Jaco Grobbelaar,