Agreed: Search Engine Optimization has gotten much more difficult since Google brought the zoo to the party. Agreed: Most people do not search beyond the first page of Google results. Agreed: A business wants to be on that first page. Agreed: There are 3 pillars that a business person in charge of the internet connection needs to control at all times to get on that first page; these being content, inbound backlinks and social media. Agreed: Getting backlinks has become much harder than it used to be and considerably more labor intensive. Problem: How many ways can a business person use to get inbound backlinks?
Topics: inbound backlink strategies, inbound backlinks, backlinks, Petaluma CA, inbound marketing agency
Inbound Marketing Tip # 1: New Year's Resolutions in June?
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Jun 13, 2013 @ 07:55 AM
How are your New Year’s Resolutions holding up? Oh, you wrote goals? When was the last time you looked at them? Maybe you need to get them out and dust them off? I thought so. I did the same thing with mine. We all fully intend to review them on a regular basis and have put that into our calendar. When the day to review them popped up, did you have something pressing you had to do instead? Oh yeah. So when the next deadline came along it was easy just to delete it from your email message service. Well, the jig is up for all of us. We need to re-up as my friend in the army did recently.
Topics: New Year's Resolutions, Petaluma CA, inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, SMART goals
Infographic: What are Google's 200 Ranking Factors for SEO?
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Jun 10, 2013 @ 06:53 AM
Search engine optimization, known affectionately by its friends as SEO, is an overwhelmingly difficult topic to base a blog article on. However, I have found the ideal infographic that covers the whole thing—content and keywords, inbound links, social media and all. Before I overwhelm you with this behemoth we need to take a few minutes to look at content, links and social from the eyes of a couple of SEOs, which in this case means search engine optimizers.
Topics: Petaluma CA, inbound marketing agency, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, content, links, social
Inbound Marketing: Facebook Marketing Video
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Jun 06, 2013 @ 07:55 AM
Below is a video brought to you compliments of BroadVision Marketing listing the reasons you should have a Facebook Fan Page for your business. Why is that important? Facebook is one of the most well-liked online portals for businesses like yours. There are many businesses that have found Facebook to have the necessary tools for success. Fan pages give your product or service more exposure and are a fantastic way for you to build your business by reaching out to your target market and starting a relationship with them. You will find the script below the video.--Jaco
Topics: inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, BroadVision Marketing in Petaluma CA, Facebook
Inbound Marketing Pro Advice: Landing Pages--Make Me an Offer or 40+
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Jun 03, 2013 @ 07:54 AM
Landing pages are one of my favorite parts of a website. Know why? Your website is mostly static, meaning you don’t make changes on much of what is written there. Your blog should be alive, but it has to be found.
Landing pages, and there should be lots of them, are pages that your potential clients have chosen to land on and might choose to answer a call-to-action.
There is an interaction going on. When people interact with a landing page, they are telling you that they are interested in whatever the offer is. They might be enough interested to come back again and become an actual client.
Topics: landing page, inbound marketing, inbound marketing agency, BroadVision Marketing in Petaluma CA
Inbound Marketing: Blog Posting Tips from Blog Posting Tipsters
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, May 30, 2013 @ 07:52 AM
Do you have any idea how many people offer tips for posting blogs? The number is mind-numbing. So I decided to be different and put together other people’s tips in a content curation article. If you find I didn’t put your favorite tip in this list, please add yours in the comment box.
Topics: inbound marketing tips, inbound marketing agency, BroadVision Marketing in Petaluma CA
Internet Marketing Tip #6: Is Google+ Worth It for Small Businesses?
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, May 20, 2013 @ 07:54 AM
Is Google+ worth the time that small businesses would need to set it up and be active on it? Much of what I read said that this was the perfect time to get involved. Given the changes this social media platform experienced mid-May 2013, it is a good idea to go see what Google+ is all about and how your business can get in on the ground floor of what might be a golden opportunity before you dismiss it.
Just the analytics
The network now has 190 million people visiting each month, as well as 390 million logged-in Google account holders using its features monthly in at least one Google product. It has one of the world’s most powerful data centers at its disposal. A major drawback in the past was has been that men made up 64.18% of the users with women only accounting for 27.87%. With 41 new features Google Plus is now morphing into something that makes greater use of what Google does best—anticipate the needs of its users, show them relevant news and information, and help them manage massive amounts of data. My bet is that more women are going to start using Google+ in the future since several of those new features are Pinterest-like in nature.
Christopher Null has this to say in his May 2013 article Does Google+ matter for small businesses?
For small business owners, you can be forgiven if you find Google+ to be a confusing waste of time, but it still makes sense to create a Page for your company and keep it reasonably up to date with at least one post every week or two. Why? Because even if Google+ doesn't do anything for overall SEO, it’s at least one more place that helps with your overall visibility on the web.
Topics: Google, internet marketing tip, inbound marketing agency, BroadVision Marketing in Petaluma CA
Inbound Marketing: The Truth About Facebook Fan Pages (Part 2)
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Thu, Apr 18, 2013 @ 07:55 AM
We started the topic of inbound marketing Facebook Fan Page strategies on Monday, April 15, 2013. If this is the first of the two articles you find, it might be a good idea to read that one first. We have been looking at information on Facebook Fan Page engagement and what is going on with it or not going on, I should say. Many people started out using Facebook Fan Pages expecting vast numbers of fans and much engagement. That didn't happened for them and it doesn’t usually happen unless you create a fan page with cute animals on it. I read three blogs from Cyber PR written by Jon Ostrow and Ariel Hyatt with enough statistics to you createa realistic way to look at your fan pages. One important statistic from the previous post is:
Topics: inbound marketing agency, Inbound marketing agency in CA, BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, Facebook
Inbound Marketing: The Truth About Facebook Fan Pages (Part 1)
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Apr 15, 2013 @ 07:54 AM
As I was reading about inbound marketing strategies concerning Facebook Fan Pages this week, I saw some interesting articles clarifying the growth patterns of the pages. I have read about clients who thought that social media was supposed to vault them into super-fan-dom, but that hadn't happened for them. As I read three blogs from Cyber PR written by Jon Ostrow and Ariel Hyatt, I saw statistics you need to be aware of to create realistic goals for Facebook Fan Pages.
Topics: inbound marketing agency, Inbound marketing agency in CA, BroadVision Marketing Petaluma CA, Facebook
Neuromarketing: Better Internet Marketing Through Technology
Posted by Jaco Grobbelaar on Mon, Mar 18, 2013 @ 07:50 AM
Topics: neuromarketing, inbound marketing agency, BroadVision Marketing in Petaluma CA, website, internet marketing